미국의 언론 잡지 사이트에서 라이브로 토론의 장을 만들었습니다. 댓글을 단 사람이 300명이 넘습니다. 그들의 대부분은 God Bless America.(미국에 신의 보호가 임하시길..)를 외쳤습니다.
민주당을 지지하는 사람들은 물론 좋아서 어쩔 줄을 모르는 내용의 글이 대부분을 담고 있었고, 그들이 이렇게 댓글을 다는 것을 보고 느낀 점이 있다면 우리나라처럼 댓글에 인신공격을 심하게 해대지 않는다는 것이다.
예전에 나의 기억을 더듬어 보면 일다소통이라는 블로그에서 동성애에 관한 글을 올린 적이 있었다. 그 블로그에 오는 사람들의 비난과 비판적인 시선들 그리고 기독교의 잘못임에도 당연히 받아야 할 대가를 받았다는 식의 아주 냉담한 댓글 보면서 나름대로 한숨을 쉰 적이 있다.
우리나라 사람들은 댓글을 쓸 때 보면 아주 이기적이고 남을 배려하는 경우가 드물다. 특히 자기의 생각과 반대되는 글이 올라오면 더 그러한 현상을 볼 수 있다.
꼭 이런 사람들이 있다.
1. 글을 올리면 먼저 트집거리부터 찾는 사람
2. 꼭 그런 사람들의 아이디를 보면 지나가다가 라는 아이디를 많이 쓴다.
3. 다른 사람의 의견 글에다 댓글을 달아서까지 비방을 하는 사람
4. 그런 사람들은 똑같은 동일인임을 알 수 있다. 단지 아이디만 바꿔서 쓸 뿐이다.
5. 개인 블로그에 와서 욕까지 해대는 상식 이하의 사람
진정한 토론의 장은 될 수 없는 이유는 무엇 때문일까?
토론이 아니라 마치 싸움판을 일컬은 것이 바로 우리 넷티젼의 수준임을 알 때 참 멀었다는 생각이 든다.
미국인들이 나누는 토론장의 내용을 보면서 참 많은 것을 생각하게 한다.
미국의 토론하는 모습을 보고 배우자.
선거전의 열기가 얼마나 뜨거웠는지를 알 수 있는 미국인들의 선거에 대한 개인적 의견들을 옮겨 봤습니다.
이미 한글로 다른 분이 해석은 해 놓으셨습니다. 그래서 저는 영문으로 그대로 올려봅니다. 해석이 가능하신 분들은 원문을 보시는 것이 더 도움이 되실줄 믿습니다.
What does this moment mean to you
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Historic. Unprecedented. Singular.
All factual descriptions of the election of the first African-American president as Barack Obama won by a wide margin over Republican John McCain.
But when the history of this night is written, what should it say about how you feel at this moment? Share your thoughts and emotions.
Cynthia Tucker: For my generation, the timing was unexpected
November 4, 2008 11:24 PM | Link to this
Welcome to Socialism.
By mowilson49
November 4, 2008 11:25 PM | Link to this
Now it’s time to see socialism in action. It looks great on paper but has never worked and never will. It removes human initiative. The next 2-4 years will be a real life economic lesson for all of these recent graduates of the last 2 decades that have been brainwashed by liberal professors and teachers. Watch your taxes go up and your standard of living go down!
By bdiddy
November 4, 2008 11:27 PM | Link to this
Never thought that our next President would also be the “New” Dictator around the world. With his socialistix/Marxist/Communinistic views - we’ll be good buddies with Chavez and Achmadenijad in NO time!!!!!!
By gtfan
November 4, 2008 11:27 PM | Link to this
Pull out your McCain signs and take off your stickers before someone burns your property or keys it!
By Old Gold
November 4, 2008 11:27 PM | Link to this
I think I’ll trade in my Fascist for a Marxist… it gets better gas mileage.
By md2244
November 4, 2008 11:27 PM | Link to this
I’m very excited about Obama’s victory. Now, the government can pay for my mortgage, my retirement and my kid’s education. Socialism is going to be great!
By sulenyc
November 4, 2008 11:28 PM | Link to this
God Bless America
By s turner
November 4, 2008 11:28 PM | Link to this
The people have SPOKEN!!
By Kelly S
November 4, 2008 11:28 PM | Link to this
What a historic moment… the first black president of the US… so many never would have thought it could happen.
And yet what a horribly tragic moment. The man is an admitted Socialist, a Marxist, and associates with some people who seem to hate America…
We made our choice.
November 4, 2008 11:28 PM | Link to this
Red + Blue = Purple…ie we all must work together to fix the problems that we face.
Sad that during McCain’s very nice speech his supporters booed his supportive comments. Shameful.
By Joe Schmoe
November 4, 2008 11:29 PM | Link to this
Yes we did it, Everybody WAKE-UP !! Yes it did happen this is not a dream we made history and now we can change America. Now lets go to Washington and help BUSH pack his things and get OUT!
By Gritty
November 4, 2008 11:30 PM | Link to this
We got what we deserved! Hope yaw like this terrorist as your president. It is a sad day in America. Sure hope we have a country left when this clown’s time is up. Sad Sad Sad day!
By Mark Bush
November 4, 2008 11:30 PM | Link to this
One of the darkest days in American history. The America of opportunity is gone. Socialism wins…all Americans lose. God help us.
By Greg
November 4, 2008 11:31 PM | Link to this
Pretty much sick to my stomach! Not because he is black. I voted for Alan Keys for president in the primary in 92 or 96 and for Herman Cain for the senate. I’m scared of his policy. This is the biggest step to the left for our country since Roosevelt. We just elected an empty suit that just so happen to be a good speaker! It really is scary. We now have people that honestly believe that their gas tanks will be filled and their mortgage will be paid. I’m afraid you are all in for a rude awakening. Barack Hussein Obama is nothing more and Jimmy Carter #2!!!
By Atlantan
November 4, 2008 11:31 PM | Link to this
Historically I think it is amazing and shows just how great America actually it is - the country the liberals have thrown in the toilet in the past has proven them wrong.
In real life - I fear for our country and my children. My only hope is that Obama is a man of integrity, but I have my doubts. I do hope that he governs from the middle. Regardless the left will be reminded and held accountable for each and every mistake he makes. I truly hope the man will come to his senses and realize - we need coal, we need oil, tax hikes never ever work and we need more accountability in government. If he governs from the middle he will be fine - if not, it will be a tumultous 4 years.
Also we are about to find out just how smart he is 4 years removed from state senate in IL - yet Sarah was scary - we’ll see. I will give the same break to the left that the have shown W the past 8 years. As the old song says “that old wheel will roll around again”
By stonoguy
November 4, 2008 11:31 PM | Link to this
Us whiteys and this country are in trouble….big time!!!!
By ATL Lady
November 4, 2008 11:31 PM | Link to this
Wow!! Words can not express what this moment means to me and so many others. I just think all the men and women who came together in support of President Obama. This would not have been possible if it was not for white, blacks as well as the many other beatiful people of the USA. God Bless American! This is truly the country that dreams come ture.
By That figures
November 4, 2008 11:31 PM | Link to this
Of course the first comment would be a loon.
McCain’s concession speech was the best speech he has given in a long time. He should have found that voice a few weeks ago. It would have helped him immensely.
By Christy
November 4, 2008 11:32 PM | Link to this
How can this country elect someone like Obama since everything he stands for is the very thing that SO MANY of us fight against. Will he be taking the “IN GOD WE TRUST” off of our dollars and replacing it with his Muslin god!!!! This is a disgrace to what our forfathers came over and started the USA!! Let’s see how long he takes before this country REALLY GOES UNDER!!!!
By Noelle Chamness
November 4, 2008 11:32 PM | Link to this
Praise Jesus!
By Joyce
November 4, 2008 11:32 PM | Link to this
I’m utterly and completely disgusted in the DNC. The person who should be celebrating tonight is Sen. Hillary Clinton. She had this election stolen from her…not by Obama…but by Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, and all those who had pledged to support her in the beginning then reneged and went to Obama. This is a fiasco and these people who are so wildly celebrating tonight will be in for a rude awakening for that man cannot possibly do what he says he will do. Sorry, USA, we tried and failed you. Now we must suffer the consequences.
By andy
November 4, 2008 11:32 PM | Link to this
I am very disappointed in the people of this country. I felt that we, as a people, were much more conservative in our beliefs, and I believe that only this presidency can overshadow the failures of the Bush administration. I do not believe in the fad factor of having something new in the White House. I have no problem with a black man being president, but I do not believe in having such a liberal-minded individual running our country. He stands for everything I am against, and against the foundation of this great nation. I am deeply disappointed.
By Jeremyoo7
November 4, 2008 11:33 PM | Link to this
This will go down as one of the worst decisions by the american people in history.
November 4, 2008 11:33 PM | Link to this
Congrats Obama - I can only hope the republicans give you the full support that your party has given bush the past 8 years.
By Rob
November 4, 2008 11:33 PM | Link to this
I am sick to my stomach. Please God your will not mine be done.
By J
November 4, 2008 11:33 PM | Link to this
USA is screwed
By Lloyd Dotson
November 4, 2008 11:33 PM | Link to this
I think the people have spoken and their voices were clearly heard. I pray that our newly elected president is able to carry out his duties successfully and without fear of attempts on his life or that of his family. I wish him Godspeed.
November 4, 2008 11:33 PM | Link to this
Well what does this mean to me? It means that everything that I have worked for in my life will be for naught. A stupid ignorant non-christian negro that refuses to salute the flag of the country he wants to be president of will destroy not only my way of life but may very well destroy our entire country and put us under the dictatorship of a Islamic terrorist. I doubt his grandmother is truly dead cause anyone that has ever worked with a negro knows they lie and use every excuse imaginable for personal gain..isn’t it ironic that she took a supposed turn for the worse when the polls showed the race was tightening and then on election eve she supposedly dies..how ironic indeed..I don’t know why every news agency in atlanta insisted on reporting from a black church when nobama isn’t a christian and does not believe in god..i hope all those negros are happy in two years when they along with all of us are worse off and thier saviour the great negro nobama has turned his back on them just as he has every american and they realize that they waited so long to vote for nothing more than a lying dumb stupid ignorant negro
By Nanci Leigh/Hostetter
November 4, 2008 11:33 PM | Link to this
I can’t believe it. I am against Obama for what he believes and doesn’t believe in. I think people are in for a real shocker……..
I must remember God is in control.
By Bissch11
November 4, 2008 11:33 PM | Link to this
As a transplant from Illinois I’ve watched Obama over the last 4 years when he was a virtual unknown. To get this win tonight in overwhelming fashion is so gratifying!! What a great day in this country. Too bad that McCain won so handily here which really surprised me because i felt we had a chance here to pull an upset.
By Nancy
November 4, 2008 11:34 PM | Link to this
How about it, Mom??!!! Oh, it’s the fulfillment of many dreams, many struggles, and sacrifices - and by God, it’s about time. Let the tide turn back to humanity and fiscal responsibility instead of greed and big money interests. 40 years since Martin died. Hallelujah!
By Sad
November 4, 2008 11:34 PM | Link to this
It is sad that people based voting on color NOT on his ability to lead. What makes it even more funny the guy isnt black he is bi racial. But God forbid anyone remember that. Half of the people who voted for him couldnt be brother to learn the issues or vote last time. What a sad state our country is in.
By tommy cheeseballs
November 4, 2008 11:34 PM | Link to this
That’s the end of that hole… never stops, never ends…
By URKiddinMee
November 4, 2008 11:34 PM | Link to this
What a sad day for our once great Republic. Not since Adoph Hitler have so many gullible sheeple been mesmerized by such a slick talking charlatan. This Marxist will leave a blight on the land with higher taxes, appointments of socialist judges who legislate from the bench, and the crushing of individual rights for the “collective good of the Nanny State.” God help what remains of this once great nation.
By Robin T. Mayo
November 4, 2008 11:34 PM | Link to this
An extremely bad choice. This country will be messed up more than ever. I was hoping people would have come to their senses and not allow something like this to happen.
By David
November 4, 2008 11:34 PM | Link to this
We deserve what we get now.
By Kiaira
November 4, 2008 11:35 PM | Link to this
I am so blessed to be apart of this historic event that i have just witnessed. This is so awesome and unbelieveable. I am 17 years old, just shy of the voting age. But i know when i get older i will be able to say i witnessed that the 44th president of the USA is and was an AFRICAN AMERICAN!!!!!!!!! WE Made IT!!!! HE DID IT THE IMPOSSIBLE!!!!! WE CHANGED HISTORY…..YES WE CAN!!!!!!!!
By Barbara
November 4, 2008 11:35 PM | Link to this
I can’t wait for those that thought they’d have a free ride find out they don’t. There’s no way for the Socialist to make good on all those promises. Socialism doesn’t do what Obama projected. He just won the idiots’ votes. Hopefully, they’ll fall on their knees before the rest of us working people do.
By scottnjaxbeach
November 4, 2008 11:35 PM | Link to this
After tonight this country is more divided than ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOD BLESS Nathan Bedford Forest and the rest of the CSA!
By Joe Sheppard
November 4, 2008 11:35 PM | Link to this
I man should not be judged by the color of his skin, but the content of his character.
How did you, Obama supporter, judge him?
By Rebecca Stringer
November 4, 2008 11:35 PM | Link to this
I am so PROUD to be an American!!! I am ecstatic that Barack Obama is our 44th President!!!! I am honored to be witnessing history!!
By Emma
November 4, 2008 11:35 PM | Link to this
It means that small businesses are going to go under. Investors are going to pull out, and workers are going to be fired on mass scales because of the lack of investments. People will still be leeching off society, and the people who actually do work will have to pay to sustain them. (Think of the school example where a person with a 4.0 has to give to a person with a 2.0 so that they both have a 3.0, but equal work was not done.) Not to mention we are going to have a president that will have access to highly sensitive material, but if he had applied to the CIA or FBI, he would have been denied due to his relationships with terrorists. And it will be legal to kill babies. Oh yeah. The next four years are gonna suck.
By Grace
November 4, 2008 11:35 PM | Link to this
LOL, you right wing jerks. Go whine to someone who gives a crap. YOU LOST!
November 4, 2008 11:36 PM | Link to this
A very historic moment! I am very elated and excited for a new change! :-)
By Jimbo
November 4, 2008 11:36 PM | Link to this
I farted, who wants to smell it?
By Grieving in Georgia
November 4, 2008 11:36 PM | Link to this
I am profoundly sad. I wish I could be happy that Obama won. I am very much aware that this is an historic night, but I just wish I could believe in what he stands for. I am grieving because I see our beloved country quickly turning from a democracy towards socialism. And people are so caught up in the moment that they don’t see the danger. The fact that our enemies are now rejoicing doesn’t seem to strike fear in anyone but me. I hope I am wrong. History will tell.
November 4, 2008 11:37 PM | Link to this
Today will go down in history! It will be noted as the beginning of the fall of the United States of America. Socialism has won! May God have mercy on us!!!
November 4, 2008 11:37 PM | Link to this
For the first time in years I have hope that our leadership will be humane, decisive, and democratic, in the small-d sense of the word. Senator McCain’s concession was graceful—too bad his supporters spoiled the mood with their ugly reactions.
Many thanks to Sean Hannity, who single-handedly won many voters to the Obama camp.
By Patriot
November 4, 2008 11:37 PM | Link to this
Joe, you ignorant s*. All I hear coming out of your mouth is baaaa…. You can’t handle the truth.
By god save us!
November 4, 2008 11:38 PM | Link to this
This country will go to hell!! God please save us!
November 4, 2008 11:38 PM | Link to this
In the words of Nelson on the Simpsons to all of you hatemongers, HEHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By ty
November 4, 2008 11:38 PM | Link to this
All I can say is God is good.
By Lynn
November 4, 2008 11:38 PM | Link to this
The ignorance displayed here is really disgusting.
By Buttuggli
November 4, 2008 11:38 PM | Link to this
Since we were so supportive of Georgia (The Country) seceding from Mother Russia, perhaps the same spirit of cooperation will be extended to us as Georgia (The State) secedes from the New Marxist States of Amerika?
November 4, 2008 11:39 PM | Link to this
Please, if I see that he is our first black president one more time, I’m gonna scream. THE FACTS ARE Senator Obama’s racial background consists of the following: 50% white (mother, both sides), 43.25% Arabic (father, both sides), and 6.25% African Negro (father, one side, 1 generation removed). 12.5% is the legal threshold one must prove to claim racial status under the law. In addition, Senator Obama cannot make a sociological claim as an African American either. He was not raised as an African American, was not raised by African Americans, and was not raised in an African American neighborhood.
Now, can folks please speak the real truth?
By fer
November 4, 2008 11:39 PM | Link to this
I am beyond ECSTATIC!!! I only wish there were some important people from my past who could witness this powerful moment. And I wish Obama’s grandmother could have lived to see this day!
By URKiddinMee Sore Loser
November 4, 2008 11:39 PM | Link to this
Landslide. End of story. The end of 8 years and b*s. The real shame is that no matter who is in the office there’s not enough time to clean up the mess that the Republicans and bush left to be cleaned up.
By Bye-Bye USA!
November 4, 2008 11:39 PM | Link to this
Socialist in Oval office..bye-bye America :-(
By McCainatheart
November 4, 2008 11:39 PM | Link to this
Okay…..All of you Democrats that wanted change…..GET READY! Get ready for Socilaism, Communism, Terrorism and Communism. You have no idea. You wanted CHANGE and you will get it. Just remember it’s what you wanted.
By bdiddy
November 4, 2008 11:40 PM | Link to this
It’s AMAZING what one can do when he BUYS the election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Oh Lordy!
November 4, 2008 11:40 PM | Link to this
Well, Cynthia Tucker can’t use the race card anymore! Let the stock market sell off begin.
By Rita Brown
November 4, 2008 11:40 PM | Link to this
By Ashamed
November 4, 2008 11:42 PM | Link to this
I thought 911 was the worst day this country ever experienced…..until now. How could this have happened to our ‘once’ proud and safe country?
By Sadden
November 4, 2008 11:42 PM | Link to this
The country that I love so much in now worse off than under Bush. I did not vote for Bush, and I will NEVER EVER IN THIS LIFETIME VOTE OF OBAMA. Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves and all the others that have fought for our Freedom. The only thing that happened today is that the LAZY, have been given the right to be more LAZY and those that think welfare is good will continue to do nothing. It is time for everyone to realize that it is not THE GOVERNMENT’S job to take care of you. As as middle class citizen making less that 40K a year I get to pay more for people who are too damn lazy to leave the house kill something and drag it home. God Bless America, we need HIS BLESSING MORE NOW THAN EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
By jabster
November 4, 2008 11:43 PM | Link to this
Stick a fork in it…
If Obama wants my support, he’s going to have to buy it just like he bought everyone else’s…and I’m not cheap.
Now we get to watch Atlas shrug under the weight of a big ol’ O…
By Amazing
November 4, 2008 11:43 PM | Link to this
Some of the comments here are downright disgusting. You people make me ashamed to be an American.
By southernlady
November 4, 2008 11:43 PM | Link to this
I am proud I voted for the McCain/Palin Ticket and for Saxby Chambliss! I am proud the majority of Georgians voted for them. The majority of Georgians knew what McCain/Palin and Chambliss stood for and campaigned for. We did not vote for the color of one’s skin.
By SadDay4USA
November 4, 2008 11:43 PM | Link to this
Well, they can’t say the state of GEORGIA elected him president because we didn’t. That’s for sure. Blame the Yankees, California, and Florida.
November 4, 2008 11:44 PM | Link to this
WE DID IT!! This just shows that nothing is impossible. You Mcain supporters- GO SUCK A BIG OBAMA ONE!!! OR WHAT THE HELL DRINK YOURSELFS TO DEATH!! VICTORY OF SWEET VICTORY!!
By Belvedere58
November 4, 2008 11:45 PM | Link to this
For the first time in my life I am ashamed to be an American.
By Chell
November 4, 2008 11:45 PM | Link to this
I was watching CNN when I heard the news. I cried because I could not believe I woudld see this day. I am very sad that my grandmother was not able to see this day. As Sam Cook would say, “A change is going to come.” “God Bless America” the land that I love.
November 4, 2008 11:45 PM | Link to this
By akob
November 4, 2008 11:45 PM | Link to this
it is truly amazing to see some of the racist bigots on this website. wow, some of u all never cease to amaze me. crawl back under your rock, or go into a cave…..
By ATL Lady
November 4, 2008 11:45 PM | Link to this
Words can’t express how I feel at this moment. No matter the reputation of the US it’s still the best place on earth to live. The best thing about this victory is that Obama was not elected by African American, but all Americans. This would not have been possible if it was not for white, black and all the many other beatiful people who make up the USA. I hope everyone can put aside their negative and/or ignorant comments and stand together for the betterment of our country.
By Harold Hobbs
November 4, 2008 11:46 PM | Link to this
Welcome to the United Socialist States of America. This is a very black day in the history of a once great country. If you wanted a socialist country why not go to Europe and see just how great it is. We as a country have given up our freedoms … our first amendment rights are gone, our right to bare arms is gone, those that work hard and achieve will be told that they have to give all their hard earn dollars to those that are not willing to work so hard, we will be taxed and taxed and taxed till there is little left, consumer spending will go away, and on and on and on. So socialist, celebrate while you can.
By Jay
November 4, 2008 11:47 PM | Link to this
Do any of you kool-aid drinkers actually know what socialism is, or are you just regurgitating what some blowhard on FoxNews said. Go read up on it and come back in 8 years.
By Palin2012
November 4, 2008 11:47 PM | Link to this
This election showed us that color is more important than content or credentials.
By Jim
November 4, 2008 11:47 PM | Link to this
You can tell all of the above with negative comments are loyal listeners to talk radio. Our country needs a real leader - someone with the ability to get the attention of the American people and get us out of this financial mess the republicans have given us. What’s so sad is that so many conservatives are going to feel the bite of the economy and have their families will get hit with the reality of no health insurance, at best low-paying jobs, and reduced local government services. President Obama can lead us forward, and I hope you bone-headed conservative jack-offs will wake up, smell the coffee, and get with reality instead of continuing to listen to the fear mongering of Boortz, Hannity, and others like them.
By someone help us!!!
November 4, 2008 11:47 PM | Link to this
96% of African American votes Obama???? There is no such thing as a 96% educated vote without racism. You tell me because we all know who is educated???
By Everybody
November 4, 2008 11:48 PM | Link to this
Utterly sick. I want to punch a democrat. What morons and sheep you all are. These are the last days of the republic. Congrats Democrats and the Media, you have elected the new Socialist king of the world. I am embarassed to be apart of this nation right now. Cynthia Tucker, go screw.
By White and proud of it
November 4, 2008 11:48 PM | Link to this
To stonoguy You got that right but you put it mildly. The reason why he got in is that the blacks that didn’t vote in the past did now only because of his color, no other reason than that. They even said it as much. But if us whites did that we would be racist. What a crock! All I can say is there goes what’s left of OUR rights as white people.
By Chuck
November 4, 2008 11:48 PM | Link to this
It is nice to see that race is no longer a factor in political contests. That says something good about our country.
But if you think Bush had failed economic policies, just wait till you see what’s coming down the pike. If you want a preview, do a little history research in socialist regimes in Europe. I fear that we will no longer be the leader of the free world. The next time Marxist opportunists take over a third world nation, no one will be able to look to the US for help.
By FDLOL McCainatheart
November 4, 2008 11:48 PM | Link to this
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Not since Johnson have so many people from all walks of life - ALL - voted for a President. I know it’s going to be very, very hard for you hatemongers, but take a deep breath while you take it for once.
By M.
November 4, 2008 11:48 PM | Link to this
Finally, for the first time in my life, I can say that I am proud of the nation I live in. So, this is what Hope and Joy feel like!
November 4, 2008 11:49 PM | Link to this
I’m so happy that Georgia was not a factor. Republicans are ignorant, selfish, and thank the lord not a factor in this election!
Jan 20, 2009. What a great Day it will be!
By century33
November 4, 2008 11:49 PM | Link to this
this “whitey” says…….. its about DAMN time! 8 years of waste and stupidity. thank GOD its over.
By to southernlady
November 4, 2008 11:49 PM | Link to this
You are neither, ma’am.
By Mike
November 4, 2008 11:49 PM | Link to this
It is sad to see so many of Obama’s supporters take this historic occasion as an opportunity to call people names. Really sad.
By worst day of my life
November 4, 2008 11:49 PM | Link to this
Very poor choice, America. This man is against everything that our country was founded on and his beliefs are contrary to the Word of God. If you are a true believer and child of God, there is no way that you could have voted for Obama. May God cover us with His immeasurable mercy and grace! America has voted for a terrorist.
By L
November 4, 2008 11:49 PM | Link to this
I will NEVER address a man my president who REFUSES TO SALUTE THE AMERICAN FLAG. This man deserves no respect or admiration. God Bless America. You wanted change? Well here’s your change- an UNDENIABLE TERRORIST LEADING OUR COUNTRY.
November 4, 2008 11:50 PM | Link to this
Wow, I can’t believe that our people (outside the great state of Georgia) fell for this infomercial pitchman and his far left values. This goes to prove that we as a people don’t care nearly as much about what people say, but how well they say it. **GOD SAVE US
By mn
November 4, 2008 11:50 PM | Link to this
I am so proud of AMERICA!
By blackhouse
November 4, 2008 11:50 PM | Link to this
Here comes the Black house!!
I better wear a belly wallet…it might get stolen now!!
bye bye white people, hello jabos!!
By steve
November 4, 2008 11:50 PM | Link to this
It is sad that we elect a President based on the color of his skin. He has a lot to live up to.
By Sven Ottke
November 4, 2008 11:51 PM | Link to this
I cannot believe that there so many sheep in my country. I cannot believe people believe that those that sit on their uneducated, lazy butts deserve a part of what I and you have earned. You have embarrassed this country. You have embarrassed what we stand for. Give to those that don’t deserve. Give to the lazy hand-outs. It’s the end of the USA.
By Alicia
November 4, 2008 11:51 PM | Link to this
Just when some doubted that we would never see this day we can and have as much right as anyone else… This feeling is amazing and I feel so honored to be a part of this history. I helped with fueling the change in America and I can proudly say that I feel like I belong. My eyes are full with tears of joy.
“If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything” Barack Obama is my PRESIDENT.
This is just a stepping stone to what we have to look forward in many many many years to come…
I can proudly say I am ready for all that he has in store…
By oy vey
November 4, 2008 11:51 PM | Link to this
Sorry Joe the plumber and anyone else who wants to take a stab at making it without the government’s teat in thier mouth. may as well bend over and get in line for my physical next year because that’s what we’ll get. Not that the Republicans are innocent, but the hard working american people will suffer in the long run. Israel who? Down with the Individual! Hooray for big government. Ask not what your country can do for you….
By Brad
November 4, 2008 11:51 PM | Link to this
Conservatives: Bite it. The people have spoken and taken back our country from a party that uses the Constitution as toilet paper. Don’t like it? LEAVE! Take your racism and idiotic religious beliefs with you.
By ATLien in Japan
November 4, 2008 11:51 PM | Link to this
Does anybody have anything nice to say about this historic moment? No wonder how Georgia was red yet again.
By a saddened WHITE AMERICAN
November 4, 2008 11:51 PM | Link to this
Well who knew that all this time Adolf Hitler must have been having sex with negros because his offspring just won the presidency of the United States..negros are the stupidest animal on this planet..put a dumb negro with a good smile in front of them and he can lead them all to their doom just like this election..not a one of the negros that voted have a clue what he stands for just that he is a negro so it must be good..maybe it is time to lead them to the border and tell them they can walk on water and sit back and laugh as they all drown trying it..American has had a nice run at it..everything our ancestors fought and died for died this evening..Since 1776 there has been a free United States of American and it lasted 232 years and now it is over we will soon become West Iraq and the white house will become the largest crack house in the world..Air Force One will be replaced by a Chevy Caprice on 24’s painted sparkly purple with loud rap music blasting from the speakers..the presidential address will start with WHAT’S UP MY N****
By whatfor
November 4, 2008 11:51 PM | Link to this
I feel completely betrayed. What the American people have decided (at least 51%, of which many of those 51% don’t even know what 2+2 is or a damn thing about the real issues beyond skin color) that they rather live in a socialist country. I guess personal responsibility, staying in school, getting a real education, stay sober and drug free, and not knocking-up anything that moves (or being knocked-up) doesn’t matter anymore. It’s all about - what can the gov-ment do for me. We ought to change our country’s name to the United Socialist States of America.being knocked-up) doesn’t matter anymore. It’s all about - what can the gov-ment do for me. We ought to change our country’s name to the United Socialist States of America. Sickning
By Karam Tascoe
November 4, 2008 11:51 PM | Link to this
As they once told us, “If you dont like it you could always leave”. These racist, white supremacist in Atlanta wont even give the guy a chance and yet they all scream GOD help us. Biggest bunch of fake christians in the world have got to be the ones in the south. Fake as a wooden nickel.
By hankgaguy
November 4, 2008 11:51 PM | Link to this
The Nation has spoken. Even more determined than the previous 2 elections. Now the work begins for ALL of us to bring effective CHANGE for all Americans. I am happy for America and for all of us. Now we must come together and move forward.
By SuperBryan
November 4, 2008 11:52 PM | Link to this
I have never been more proud to be an American as I am tonight. Regardless of your political views, it warms my heart to see a man of a different cultural background become the Commander In Chief of this country. Maybe we can break the race boundaries after all! GObama!
By Don't Blame ME I voted for McCain
November 4, 2008 11:52 PM | Link to this
The first NObama LIE…Tax cuts for everyone earning less than $250,000. No wait, that’s $200,000. No, I mean, $150,000. Oh wait, it should be $100,000. Get the picture. Let’s see what’s NEXT!
By Smarterthanu
November 4, 2008 11:52 PM | Link to this
WOW! U stupid bigot republicans have drank the kool aid on Bush for the last 8 years showing your own ignorance and stupidity! Most of you obviously are ill-informed and need to get out a dictionary to learn the definitions of your words. You mean to say Sarah Palin is a competent human being? your right, people should be given a test in order to vote. Then most of you wouldnt be able to vote!!! But Im sure just because Im highly educated you would consider me and elitist. Such stupidity in this state its embarassing! Thats why your education is 2nd to last in the whole counrty! A state full of stupid. GO OBAMA!
By Saved
November 4, 2008 11:52 PM | Link to this
You people need to stop hating and start celebrating!!!! This is ridiculous that there is still so much hatred existing in this country that you guys have called the land of the free! I’ve never seen so much hatred and the sickening part of it is that those of you who are hating are probably poor class and will benefit from this! The middle class educated caucasian does not make comments like what is out here. Your comments speaks volume about your social class. GET OVER IT!!!!
By Blacks are racists
November 4, 2008 11:52 PM | Link to this
Blacks are racists. End of story. Congrats on voting for a socialist. Do you morons really think he is going to pay for your gas and your mortgage (if you actually have a mortgage)? Hope you are not that simple.
November 4, 2008 11:52 PM | Link to this
I am personally outraged. I truly feel many people voted for him just because he is black. I have been reading so many articles tonight and the focus has not been on what Obama will do for our country, but the fact that he has made history because he is black. Yes he has made history but what does that mean? Do these people actually know what he stands for? To me he is all talk . I think he has a lot of people fooled. So many people could not get past the fact that history would be made. I pray that you are not sorry. As americans we should know what our candidates stand for. It doesn’t matter how they look or how they speak but it’s the what they say that matters.
By Red
November 4, 2008 11:52 PM | Link to this
Either way, this election is history. At this moment, I feel honored and humbled to be an American. Everyone who voted in this election is part of history whether you voted for the first afro-american president elect or the first woman vice-president elect. Be proud of your contribution to this moment!
By Jim3
November 4, 2008 11:52 PM | Link to this
May President Obama be the moderate man he SAYS he is, not the man he has proven himself to be in the past. God help and bless the United States of America.
By Real America has spoken
November 4, 2008 11:52 PM | Link to this
Still have these racist views in georgia, get over it he has won. these white people in georgia must move on. the nation has spoken and you are a but small ignorant few. Thank GOD people are evolving. Thank GOD you stupid bigots and racist are starting to thin out in this world. LOL Thank GOD
By hoss
November 4, 2008 11:52 PM | Link to this
Capitalism is gone. Making a living will now be harder.Socialism… who would have thought we would elect someone who thinks Karl Marx had it right?
By Dear don't be Mad...
November 4, 2008 11:53 PM | Link to this
your comment is so typical for type trash that voted for this marxist, socialist muslim…God help us! suely this is indeed the “end times”…O is probably the anti-christ
By a
November 4, 2008 11:53 PM | Link to this
By mqew
November 4, 2008 11:53 PM | Link to this
WAIT A MIN… I do recall when there was much issue with BUSH and the WAR that the conservatives were imploring people to SUPPORT your President!
By Mike
November 4, 2008 11:53 PM | Link to this
I was encouraged until I viewed the comments on here. I guess I had my head in the sand about how many fear-mongering bigots there are living amongst us. Obama is far more savvy than any of you right-wing extremists think. The goal of any elected official is to get re-elected. He wont be able to drive the country off a cliff to the left even if he wanted to. He will bring it back to the middle because he’ll have to if he wants a shot at eight years. And if you want to be angry, then get angry at the Republican Party and this joke of an administration that you all voted for twice. Your Party is in shambles right now.
By TailSpin
November 4, 2008 11:53 PM | Link to this
I feel sick. I’m going to vomit! The Mulatto won…
By Big Willie
November 4, 2008 11:54 PM | Link to this
I want to puke!!!!!
By Todd
November 4, 2008 11:54 PM | Link to this
Everyone….remember this one point tonight! “Hope does not come from McCain OR Obama, but from Jesus Christ.” ~A.Boyd Miller IV …my pastor.
By Charlie
November 4, 2008 11:54 PM | Link to this
Let the socialism begin. We just lowered our flag to half staff to signify the death of our country as we know it. We’ve put a man in office who supports the murdering of unborn children. God help us.
By ByeByeUSA
November 4, 2008 11:54 PM | Link to this
Congrats to all the uneducated idiots who helped to get Obama elected. You just voted for Marxism. Half of you probably don’t even know what that is and don’t care either. You voted for Obama simply because he is black. You can thank him later when he taxes the he|| out of you and you lose your job. Maybe then you will realize the mistake you made, but by then it’ll be too late.
November 4, 2008 11:54 PM | Link to this
Wow…I read over the comments…much prayer people of God—- much prayer. I actually was un-deceided until Today. Why? Because each candidate offered different views biblical on many different platforms and issues; and yet neither of them could really STAND on the UNFailable Word of God; without bowing to Baal. But in my spirit, I felt much more peace voting for Obama. I am pleased about the positive aspects of the election: racism and prejudice was blurred and somewhat removed; by many different well-known stars coming out publicly to support a person who doesn’t look like themselves. What is important to remember is the why our skin may be different, our blood is the same color. Our organs operate the same, etc…If individuals some of which may have voted based on the skin tone of an individual; they VOTED! That’s what counts! White and Black Individuals died for that right to Vote! I pray right now for every person. Locally, Naturally, and Internationally. God you are the same yesterday, today and forever more. I pray for our Nation that has turned so far from you. Let any policies, laws, that will provide stability for our country be implemented with the grace of God. Let those things that would hinder the very hand of God, be removed in Jesus Name. Cover the world with the blood of Jesus, right now Lord. Cover the mindset of every individuals and remove the spirit of hatred. God you are a loving God who shows mercy, grace and favor. We praise you and honor you father God. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
Visit: www.myspace.com/dva4god
By TailSpin
November 4, 2008 11:54 PM | Link to this
I’m sorry, I cannot see his gangsta wife as First Lady, and Obama knew that, so he kept her hidden away since the Democratic Convention.
By David
November 4, 2008 11:54 PM | Link to this
I am so very HAPPY for the individuals that have written the Hateful, Racist tone emails to night and will continue to write them tomorrow and onward. I AM HAPPY and GREATFUL that you are SAD..ANGRY want sleep much tonight or tomorrow night. I AM HAPPY BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!! I, in turn, will sleep well tonight and will go to work with a SMILE on my face tomorrow, how about you?
By laura
November 4, 2008 11:54 PM | Link to this
Now I know why Bush was elected President. It had to happen in order to make people mad enough so that they would vote for Obama. I guess everything really does happen for a reason.
By Real America has spoken
November 4, 2008 11:54 PM | Link to this
founded on america was founded on racist politics and in humane treatment of human beings. please you just mad get over it and deal with it hahahahahahahahahahahh
By M.
November 4, 2008 11:55 PM | Link to this
Dearest Republicans,
You can always move to Canada….
By Why
November 4, 2008 11:55 PM | Link to this
You elected someone that won’t put his hand over his heart when hearing the Pledge of our Country. Good luck with that.
By Nostra-Dame
November 4, 2008 11:55 PM | Link to this
Terrible, just terrible that this smooth talking character can now come and pick-pocket us legally. The people are blind to his true ambitions, and hopefully the Reagan Democrats will be re-invigorated in 2012. God bless this country, that we last another 4 years to have a free vote in this country. Economic times ebb & flow, but enemies always seek you. I pray we get to vote in 2012 to save the USA, and it’s not the new world order as foretold.
By Decatur
November 4, 2008 11:55 PM | Link to this
To all you fools out there who say welcome to socialism, your standard of living will go down. What were the last 8 years? And who cares about you L?
By Georgia
November 4, 2008 11:56 PM | Link to this
Thank goodness it will go down in history that the State of Georgia convincingly - overwhelmingly voted for Senator McCain. I am glad that the state I live in did our part for Mr. McCain. Thank you!
By Burythecards
November 4, 2008 11:56 PM | Link to this
Now that the best athlete is black (Tiger), the highest paid entertainer is black (Opera)and we have a black president, does that mean we can bury the race card for good and quit hearing people make excuses for their lives because they are held back by the man?
By Karam Tascoe
November 4, 2008 11:56 PM | Link to this
Did anybody else notice that the states that voted Republican are the state that are last in education and have the highest levels of unemployment and poverty. HHHMMMMMMM makes you think.
By travisd
November 4, 2008 11:56 PM | Link to this
The people have spoken. GOD protect Obama.
By TailSpin
November 4, 2008 11:57 PM | Link to this
I hear gunshots outside my window. Welcome to the Obama Years!
By Chris Salzmann
November 4, 2008 11:57 PM | Link to this
Amazing said: Some of the comments here are downright disgusting. You people make me ashamed to be an American.
CHRIS: Actually, Obama won INSPITE of these folks. That just goes to prove that there is a greater good. Obama won by a greater majority than Bush in 2000 and 2004.
People will move on. A milestone has been crossed. The sun will still rise. Work (for those still employed) still awaits us tomorrow.
Lets celebrate now. There’s a lot of work to be done to fix the mess created during the last eight years.
LOL……..Does Obama still want the job???
By alanda
November 4, 2008 11:57 PM | Link to this
By Atlantan
November 4, 2008 11:57 PM | Link to this
Check back in 18- months. Watching the fools celebrate in front of the White House have no idea what is coming down the pike. Socialism never has and never will work. My question is who will test him first - Putin, China, Iran, Chavez, Al Queda or N. Koreas. My second question at what point will the losers who voted for him realize that socialism doesn’t work. My third is when will the selfish losers who voted for him give up all wordly possessions and give to the poor. Until they do they are sham hypocrites.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
By Elle
November 4, 2008 11:58 PM | Link to this
I am only 43 years old but I remember going to Stone Mountain as a child and being hit in the head with sand and called a big black NiXXGR. I never thought I would see the day we would elect an African American President. This is such a wonderful day….God blessings have overflowed. The hateful, spiteful and ignorant uneducated people in Georgia who continue to frequent these boards and fill them with hate is exactly why Republicans lost the Presidency. I can say John McCain had more decency than that and I am sorry he had supporters who are so mean and bigoted.
By O Crap
November 4, 2008 11:58 PM | Link to this
O Crap!
By itsjustme
November 4, 2008 11:58 PM | Link to this
This day will be known as the day this country died. Like the song “the day the music died” - bye bye American pie - Just ask yourself this (if you voted for Obama) - Do you work, Did you get an education, Do you pay taxes, Were you responsible with your spending, Did you buy your home (assuming you own a home) within your means, Do you honestly vote for someone based on the content of his/her character as opposed to skin color (yea right - when 96% of the black vote goes to Obama - kinda makes a mockery of MLK). Can you answer these questions?? If not then welcome to the Socialist America you just created
By laura
November 4, 2008 11:58 PM | Link to this
So it would seem mainly Obama haters are on here because they are so disappointed. Way more people are happier that Obama won but they are busy celebrating.
But, McCain did give a good speech and is a good guy but he is not what we need right now.
By Dear Losers
November 4, 2008 11:58 PM | Link to this
You can see your true character now that you’re on the losing side. Name-calling, racism, ignorance, specious arguments. No wonder this country’s in a mess. And no, Obama won’t be able to clean up the mess in 4 years. We’ll be back in another 4. In the meantime I’ll enjoy every second you’re in the minority.
And for you so-called Christians, what do you say now that Obama is President. You’re going to be very busy re-writing the Bible (again).
What a wonderful night for America.
By Gerri Patterson
November 4, 2008 11:58 PM | Link to this
I had “NO” doubt that Barack would emerge with a victory - not for him but for the world! People kept saying “tricks” will be used once again to STEAL the presidency - I kept saying “No, not this time - Why? because he was appointed and lead by GOD only a christian “CAN” understand that - the bible says we “MUST” hear and then get understanding in order to “know”!
By GADawg
November 4, 2008 11:58 PM | Link to this
I am very happy Obama won! This country needs to change - change back to what is used to be. Stop the hate.
By Bubba Bluffton
November 4, 2008 11:58 PM | Link to this
I am disgusted, betrayed, frightened, sickened, and overwhelmed by the people of this country who have selected a non-qualified, narcissistic, socialistic, racist, shell of a man to be the President of the United States.
When the depression strikes, when the terrorists vaporize cities with stolen nuclear weapons, when our malls are bombed, our health is threatened and our planes are grounded, look in the mirror and ask yourself if you are still proud to have voted in a man who is no more than a dictionary that walks upright, has no moral courage, will steal from you and your children AND your grandchildren.
We are in serious, serious trouble, my fellow citizens. Come January 21, 2009 our lives will change forever.
By What Next?
November 4, 2008 11:58 PM | Link to this
Above all else, I’m ashamed to see black Americans making this ALL about race. Should we elect a man to lead the country — even the free world — simply because his skin color is darker than his candidate’s?
That is exactly what it looks and sounds like when you see and hear black journalists, black celebrities and personalities like John Lewis, Jesse Jackson and Denise King talk about this election.
That aside…
It is ill-advised to view high-income Americans as inherently bad people. Certainly, there are those who haven’t “earned their money the hard way”, but for those who have worked long, hard hours for many years to earn the wealth that they enjoy, I certainly cringe to think that our new President would certainly wish to take that away.
I hope that President-Elect Obama is not nearly as radical as he has stated in the past few years. If he is that radical, then the Presidency of George W. Bush will not look so bad.
By lee
November 4, 2008 11:59 PM | Link to this
Finally, African Americans have a positive role model other than MLK. Maybe now ebonics will fade away, too.
By CMc
November 4, 2008 11:59 PM | Link to this
This is really SAD! Does they really not understand what they just elected… Socialized medicine has never worked… Do your homework!
By Chiriru
November 4, 2008 11:59 PM | Link to this
Mainly I am glad that this election is over. I congratulate Barack Obama and will support him as our President. I guess the thing that went through my mind first after the decision was that I hope that he will not JUST be remembered as the first black President in the history books but as a strong, compassionate leader of the people - ALL people and that he will do all in his power to unite this country.
By andesi
November 4, 2008 11:59 PM | Link to this
CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEW PRESIDENT - BARACK OBAMA ! ! ! ! But, how sad the personal and individual ignorance that abounds in this country. After 8 years of **, I thank God a change is surely coming.
By Reece
November 4, 2008 11:59 PM | Link to this
Some of these comments are so stupid. Do any of you know Barack Obama personally? You sit here and type all this foolishness about something you’ve heard or read on email that more than likely isn’t even true God is helping our country…and if you were a true believer you would pray for Obama instead of hurling all these ludicrous insults.
By Chris Salzmann
November 4, 2008 11:59 PM | Link to this
ByeByeUSA: Congrats to all the uneducated idiots who helped to get Obama elected. You just voted for Marxism. Half of you probably don’t even know what that is and don’t care either. You voted for Obama simply because he is black. You can thank him later when he taxes the he|| out of you and you lose your job. Maybe then you will realize the mistake you made, but by then it’ll be too late.
Chris: There’s always Australia. Delta’s ready when you are. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
By StarGazer
November 4, 2008 11:59 PM | Link to this
How do I feel, let me count the ways. First bewildered that America could do this to herself. Wondering how Obama can now calm his supporters when he is unable to deliver on his election stump speeches. Wanting to know how much crime the election will generate in our streets. Waiting to learn if Obama can change the direction of our welfare groups and make them into productive citizens. Happy the election is over.
By C'mon
November 5, 2008 12:00 AM | Link to this
WHATEVER…I STILL love Sarah…thats one HOT women! You should love your country unconditionally and respect your leader past or present…So you BUSH bashers stuff it.
By FinanceBuzz
November 5, 2008 12:00 AM | Link to this
It is now time to fight. The Dems did NOT get a supermajority in Congress so the Senate Republicans are America’s last grasp at preventing a destruction of all the traditions and values that have made America great by a tide of radical legislation. We must push Saxby and Isakson to fight any radical legislation. First target - STOP CARD CHECK AND THE UNIONS!!!
By ripkelly
November 5, 2008 12:00 AM | Link to this
anybody else notice that ajc.com refuses to call georgia for mccain?
amazing, yet typical.
yes ajc… mccain won our state. please give that a moment to sink in. now, with that in mind stop being a liberal rag. this is not chicago, new york, or l.a.
carry on.
By Englebert
November 5, 2008 12:00 AM | Link to this
I’m a white, middle-aged suburban Dad, the son of die-hard midwest Republicans.
Barack Obama is the first presidential candidate I’ve ever sent money.
This is the best feeling I’ve had following a political election.
For those who didn’t support Obama, or still agree with our President-Elect, now is the time to stop the name-calling. It won’t do any good or make any difference at this point.
After the past eight years — of war, of economic collapse, of decline in our civil liberties and standing among the world — now is the time to at least stand quiet and let this wave of change attempt to turn the tide.
At best you can quit sniping and complaining and do something to help this administration — and this nation — become the country it should be.
By mqew
November 5, 2008 12:00 AM | Link to this
November 5, 2008 12:00 AM | Link to this
Its funny all the racist white people who smile in your face everyday are know coming out. I am ashamed that I represent this state. I knew there was a lot of racism in this state, but to see it in bold plain english, is disheartening and absolutely sad! Get a grip you selfish jerks..You lost. American Won today! God bless this man and Protect him! We will pray for the ignorant racists jerks in this state and hopefully their children will not carry the same suit.
By 1america
November 5, 2008 12:00 AM | Link to this
Some of you people belong in a toilet! This is America we are one! When will these racist statements and ignorant ideas stop??? There is one America if you don’t wont to be apart of it move!!!!!!!
By Vinny
November 5, 2008 12:00 AM | Link to this
Barry won…….America lost.
By Tony
November 5, 2008 12:00 AM | Link to this
It means about the same to me as when Carter and Clinton got elected. Not much. Obama is ONE man. He can’t heal the sick, raise the dead or even fill your gas tank. He can’t give you a raise or a job. He is NOT the Messiah or the Antichrist. He’s just a man, who will have to govern from the center if he wants to accomplish anything and keep his party from a crushing defeat in 2010 a la Bill Clinton in 1994.
It makes me want to vomit seeing all the people that are prostrating themselves in the streets like Christ has returned. It’s just a Presidential election, you idiots. It’s not Armageddon and it’s not the Second Coming. Just business as usual in the old USA.
By elcain
November 5, 2008 12:00 AM | Link to this
Some people never play fair. As if everyone’s life has been so great under the Bush regime? Is he the standard of excellence? This administration set the bar so incredibly low. Thank goodness the standard has now been raised. Do you honestly think the GOP cares about working class white people? I think they’ve shown you for a while how they really feel about you. They want you to stay isolated and angry as the rest of the world becomes global. For the most part, the leaders of the GOP are well educated and wealthy but they think a high school diploma and you giving 30 years of your life at the local plant(now shipped by them overseas) is good enough for you and your family. You are the attack dogs who benefit rarely. Yes, President Obama is bi-racial as many African Americans are. It was America who denied our whiteness with the “one drop” rule. How could you forget when you made the rule? Oh yeah, always changing the rules and moving the finishing line. Try to make peace with the seeds you’ve sown.
By TailSpin
November 5, 2008 12:01 AM | Link to this
On the bright side, he doesn’t come with all that slavery baggage. His ancestors were slave owners…
By Glad
November 5, 2008 12:01 AM | Link to this
“It is sad that people based voting on color NOT on his ability to lead. What makes it even more funny the guy isnt black he is bi racial. But God forbid anyone remember that. Half of the people who voted for him couldnt be brother to learn the issues or vote last time. What a sad state our country is in.”
What’s really sad is that YOU voted based on color. You couldn’t have voted on the issues cause McCain refused to address any. It wasn’t minorities that got Obama elected, it was the majority “61% of his supporters are white, 11% hispanic, & 21% African American. If every minority in the country voted he could not have been elected without the majority vote.
Personally I can’t think of a more satisfying time in my 35 years. I will have a newborn son in a few weeks and as he grows up I can tell him what my parents always told me but I never really believed. There’s Nothing He Can’t Do!!!!!
Obama inspires and gives hope to all people regardless of race, gender, age, or economic status. Its unfortunate that the election was the easiest part of the job for him. Now the real work begins. He will without a doubt be the most scrutinized president in our history, however he’d have to work triple time to do a worse job than our current Commander and Chief.
By URKiddinMee
November 5, 2008 12:01 AM | Link to this
So much for “gracious winners!” Typical name calling and gloating by the party of “open mindedness and inclusion.” At least the current gang of Marxists haven’t started lining up the patriots and shooting us behind the ear… at least not YET. Can you say “hypocrites,” boys and girls?
By Tareasa
November 5, 2008 12:01 AM | Link to this
I am speechless, I am so proud and more than anything, I am ready for change. This is huge, as an American, I am proud, as a black woman, I am in a state of shock. I believed in my heart that Barack Obama could do this and he has. This shows that our country CAN come together and send a message. Whether you are Democratic or Republican, even Libertarian, its time to come to together and to move forward. I am proud to be an American and I even more overjoyed to be a black woman. Thank you Jesus!!!!
By Post the Truth
November 5, 2008 12:02 AM | Link to this
You just elected a man that won’t put his hand over his heart as he does not respect the nation that he tries to lead.
By Mdgeist316
November 5, 2008 12:02 AM | Link to this
The worst president of the last century of this country is gone, and I couldn’t be anymore relieved. I’m not going to call anyone names, but it seems those who calls Obama supporters idiots are just angry and are really the ones doing the name calling.
Get a clue. It wasn’t even close. Georgia was part of the minority. Just because you don’t agree with the majority doesn’t mean we are stupid.
A much needed change is coming. Get used to it.
By David
November 5, 2008 12:02 AM | Link to this
I think we as a country should change our name from the United States of America to the Socialized States of America because if Obama does what he says he plans to do we will be just like the European countries .
By Luci
November 5, 2008 12:02 AM | Link to this
Senator McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin was a significant factor in his losing the election.
By Laura
November 5, 2008 12:02 AM | Link to this
Rejoicing. Wish my Grandma was alive to see all she worked for come true.
By bdiddy
November 5, 2008 12:02 AM | Link to this
Geeee - let me see, all of you Obama supporters are just SO anti-radio, and you claim that talk radio was the only reason we had a voice in this. Guess what - YOU’RE ALMOST RIGHT! Fox News is the ONLY channel that actually has ANY conservative views whatsoever. Aside from BUYING this election, OBAMA had almost the ENTIRE media outlet by the bal*s to get him elected…..perfect example of SOCIALISM…..AND….they want to shut talk-radio down as well!!!!!!!
By Steve
November 5, 2008 12:03 AM | Link to this
I am praying for our new President. He will need all the help he can get. I just hope he will lead our country as an American…not as a African Amercian or anything else…just as an American. We don’t need a race in the WHite House we need an American not black or white but one that is red, white, and blue…
By Steve
November 5, 2008 12:04 AM | Link to this
I grew up in South Mississippi in the 60’s when Mr. Obama would not have been allowed to attend my high school or sit down in our restaurants. I can’t say that I’ve every been prouder of my country than I am now. I don’t always agree with Senator Obama’s political views, and I’ve been fond of Senator McCain for years. But is the US a great country or what?
When I joined the military, I swore an oath not that different from the one Senator Obama will swear in a couple of months. I still believe in that oath, and I believe that he will as well.
I wish him the best, and he’s in my prayers.
By jabster
November 5, 2008 12:04 AM | Link to this
Yeah, just look at all the inclusion on this blog…this is going to be about paybacks and hate (from the DemocratiCCCParty), not healing.
By Rick
November 5, 2008 12:04 AM | Link to this
I didn’t vote for Obama but I’m proud of America. Obama has been given the opportunity and I hope he becomes the Tiger Woods of politics. With that said, the ole perpetual whinning of the yesteryear race pimps has got to stop. That includes you Cynthia. God Bless America!!!!!
By K
November 5, 2008 12:05 AM | Link to this
I am proud of this great nation. I thank God for allowing me to experience such a tremendous event.
I will continue to pray for all of the people who left such deplorable comments. May God bless you
By Wow.
November 5, 2008 12:05 AM | Link to this
Dear saddened WHITE AMERICAN - do us all a favor and get back on your meds.
By smitty
November 5, 2008 12:06 AM | Link to this
There are morons shooting guns in the air to celebrate. Just like democrats…never think of the consequences of their actions. They really don’t need to redistribute their bullets…I’ve got enough already.
By coolyfett
November 5, 2008 12:06 AM | Link to this
GET USED TO IT HATERS!!!! HA HA HA HA HA 8 YEARS OF BS AND People are saying Obama will be worse than Bush?? TOO FUNNY!! Get used to the boss!!! Pay those taxes folks!!!!!
By Tennessee
November 5, 2008 12:06 AM | Link to this
They called Gore a sore loser 8 years ago…let’s see how they act now that they have lost.
Democrats have carried the popular vote in 4 of the past 5 presidential elections.
Think about it……
By hulan webb
November 5, 2008 12:06 AM | Link to this
I want to puke!That empty suit is going to be worse than Jimmy Carter.
By Joe Schmoe
November 5, 2008 12:06 AM | Link to this
We will give as much q chance to Obama as you gave Bush, which is basically nothing. Get ready for a rough ride!
By Elle
November 5, 2008 12:06 AM | Link to this
CONGRATULATIONS BARACK OBAMA! Educated White Americans looked past race and elected the best candidate.
By Lisa
November 5, 2008 12:06 AM | Link to this
I’m excited, encouraged, and PROUD of America! With every election, there’s always a side that will be disappointed; hopefully that energy will still be respectful. If you’re the American you claim to be, you work towards the good of the people. Good luck everyone. Keep voting. Congratulations Obama supporters!!!!!!! Yes, we ARE!
By Mdgeist316
November 5, 2008 12:07 AM | Link to this
To add on to what I posted earlier, some of you are absolutely disgusting. Have some damn pride in yourself. None of you know what Obama will do for this country, and yet you already judge him. Makes me glad I’m getting the hell out of Georgia soon.
By Bryant
November 5, 2008 12:07 AM | Link to this
I am proud to be an American but still a little fearful for the future. Obama has a lot of hard work to do. I pray he will be the president he has presented himself to be. John McCain is a good man and I hope Obama will look to him for advice concerning foreign policy.
None the less, this is a historic night and I hope this marks the beginning of better race relations in this country for both black and white.
By David
November 5, 2008 12:07 AM | Link to this
I’m reading these comments and I am not at all shocked by the anger by displayed. It is shameful that the hate still runs so deep in this nation for the African American race. People are hiding behind the words socialism and marxism, but the only “ism” that is evident is RACISM. It is that sense of entitlement that a great portion of white America refuses to let die, this is no longer your daddy’s USA. Obama’s opponent in this campaign has not been John Mccain but BIGOTRY and IGNORANCE. Power to the People (with right fist raised)!
By Leah -- a young American
November 5, 2008 12:08 AM | Link to this
Why must we all be a*******hole just because he is black or his name is Muslim. Why can’t everyone see pass his color pass his religion and pass his heritage. He can do more for us than an old man who is a red neck at heart. We need someone new not the same old redneck in office who doesn’t even know how to spell United. Stop being so mean, bias and racists towards people. Wake up America, we are a nation of colors and you can’t change it. Personally, I won’t care if you hate him because of his race but we have him in office, so deal with it. Suck it up America and move on!
By TheVoice
November 5, 2008 12:08 AM | Link to this
I have a deep sense of sadness for our country this evening. I pray that this is not the beginning of the end for a great nation. We have chosen charisma over charecter and have allowed our insatiable greed to come before the best interest of our nation. For those of us who still have a deep and abiding love of our country let us never give up the fight to maintain the values and principles we hold so dear
By kay
November 5, 2008 12:08 AM | Link to this
Well said David..I’m going to sleep great!
By Brian
November 5, 2008 12:09 AM | Link to this
I’m scared. A democratic house, senate, and now the presidency. Not moderate democrats, but some crazy radical ones. I feel the end is near.
By Arff
November 5, 2008 12:09 AM | Link to this
Reading these comments takes away any question as to why Georgia is last or d**n near last in SAT scores. Some of these idiots posting about socialism and marxism are just regurgitating the non-sense that you see on Fox and hear on AM hate radio. You will probably do better under Obama than McCain and way better than we are doing under Bush. If the world didn’t collapse under Ronald Reagan & George W. Bush, the twin idiot darlings of the Republican party then we surely won’t under President Obama. Now for all of you that don’t like the presidential results go find that big cowardly waste of space Saxby Chambliss and hug his u know whats.
By hi
November 5, 2008 12:09 AM | Link to this
now we have to watch all these thugs jump up and down and let them think they own this country now. guess what. you dont! obama is a socialist and this country is going to be so messed up, more than it is now!
By el jefe
November 5, 2008 12:09 AM | Link to this
Proud to be an american.
By Blame it on Bush
November 5, 2008 12:09 AM | Link to this
First off, I voted for McCain. But I hope Obama delivers as good as he speaks. I hope he can turn us around without invoking socialism. The international community seems to approve. That could be bad or it could be good. Only time will tell. Now we can all move forward. Some of us moving to other countries. But if he doesn’t succeed, it will be all Bush’s fault.
By S.P.
November 5, 2008 12:09 AM | Link to this
This is such a HUGE relief! Finally a President not beholden to Big Oil and his multibillionaire buddies! Mr. Obama will think about what us regular folks need to survive and thrive in what’s left of the decade! Clearly the first order of business will be to fix our educational system so that AJC readers will not be relying on talk radio for their informaiton. What a bunch of gullible idiots swallowing the hate speech against Obama. Y’all need to go back and read your bibles and see what’s really in there. Hate and lies ain’t.
By Sweet Sue
November 5, 2008 12:10 AM | Link to this
I am a white upper middle class woman and my husband, daughter, and I voted for Barack Obama. John McCain is a good and decent man who lost his way during this campaign season. He is a hero who has served this country well. But he made a terrible decision in choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate and he is not a person who was ready to lead us out of this economic mess. Barack Obama is not a socialist. Those of you who think he is need to turn off Fox News and Talk radio and start thinking for yourselves. It’s morning in America!
By Norm
November 5, 2008 12:10 AM | Link to this
very proud to have the first Mulatto president.
All hail Mulattobama!!
By Mikej
November 5, 2008 12:10 AM | Link to this
Moving to Canada or looking for a rock to hide under for the next 4 years.
By G
November 5, 2008 12:10 AM | Link to this
This is a sad day. When though and logic are over ruled by emotion. GOD help us that we are not sucked into socialism. All this does is enslave the american people to the government. And when can we expect that terrorist attack that Joe Biden accidentally warned us about?
By 59504life
November 5, 2008 12:10 AM | Link to this
Playing the race card is officially over!!!!!
By joe
November 5, 2008 12:11 AM | Link to this
does anybody know what it takes to be a canadian citizen? whats next? the realhousewives of atlanta for senate. obama won because of white guilt. thats ok, we now have 4 years to breed us a strong republican candidate. oh, and hey all you black folk, in a short time you will actually find out what obama is about. be prepared, you will still have to pay for your mortgages and gas. obama isnt the savior!!!!!!!
By juli
November 5, 2008 12:11 AM | Link to this
If you dont know Jesus Christ now you better get to know him because he is coming.
The antichrist has been elected
By Jon P
November 5, 2008 12:11 AM | Link to this
I was saddened to see so many people cheering and acting happy about the election results. I wonder…do they know what they voted for? Was it just the race of the candidate or the younger age? I have no problem with a black (or half-black) president, my issues are with his policies and beliefs. We are now living in the times where people are easily deceived and are so self-centered that they want to be given money from the government and have no desire to work themselves. I am, however, strengthened by God’s Word as I know that He is the one in control and not the Democratic party of the United States.
By thetruth
November 5, 2008 12:12 AM | Link to this
This will be counter productive to blacks once he demonstrates that he is an empty suit. And what is the positive side of having people that have not paid attention to the issues vote i droves??- they only care that he is black- isn’t that racism? God save us
By ByeByeUSA
November 5, 2008 12:12 AM | Link to this
Yes he would have, and he did. Why? Because his charismatic ways and smooth talking got people like you to believe him. Not to mention the fact that he is black, so a high percentage of black people voted for him on that alone. Those “sheep” didn’t care what he believed and probably didn’t pay attention to the facts anyway. I don’t honestly think he’s a terrorist but he IS a socialist. I guess we’ll be like Russia under Lenin.
By jill stockton
November 5, 2008 12:12 AM | Link to this
Everyone calm down. Christians, don’t forget whos is on the Throne. Our sovreign Lord is and He did not give us a spirit of fear but a spirit of courage througnh Him. The Lord left it up to His people and we failed. Now, we have to live with the consequences and as the Bible instructs, simply pray for our enemies. The next four years will be a lesson learned and many will realize, way too late, just what they have done. God Bless America.
By Brent S,
November 5, 2008 12:12 AM | Link to this
I’m convinced now, it’s OFFICIAL….America is a country full of the most gulible idiots in the world. This is how it will play out..within a year we will be attacked again b/c Amreica, what once was known as a world super power, will now be seen as weak and timid. Taxes will go up across the board and we will be giving our paychecks to people that are too lazy to get a job. This “Universal Health Care” will bankrupt our country b/c it hasn’t worked anywhere else. Nothing is free without sacrifce…ask Jesus about that one!!! The first chance Obama gets, he WILL sell us out to the first third world country that kisses his butt. And last but not least, he will appoint the most liberal leftist judges that will legislate their AGENDAS from the bench and NOT the Constitution. So hey all you dema-cry-babies, you got your golden boy or shall I say your “messiah”. within two years you’ll be kicking yourselves for such a stupid choice. Can’t wait for January 20012!!!
By A Christian
November 5, 2008 12:12 AM | Link to this
None of the outlandish comments and immaturity surprise me. The better American won tonight. Thank God we made the correct decision for you!
For all of you asking God to bless America, HE ALREADY HAS! MY GOD ALREADY HAS! Your prayers have already been answered…don’t believe me….GO WATCH CNN!!!!!!!!
By Marxist Obama
November 5, 2008 12:12 AM | Link to this
Congrats, now let the pain begin. If you think its bad now, just wait. Oh and dont bother speaking out about it on tv, as you will be blacklisted. Welcome to the USSR of America
By J-Law
November 5, 2008 12:13 AM | Link to this
My question is…. if Obama’s mother had been black and his father white… would he still be the nations first black president?
By susie
November 5, 2008 12:13 AM | Link to this
God please help our great country get through the next four years. I will never call Obama president. I guess all of the sorry welfare people are celebrating in the streets just waiting for all the handouts. Guess what if people don’t have jobs in this country so no taxes will be paid by us hard working people no handouts to the lazy and illegals.
By Aaron
November 5, 2008 12:13 AM | Link to this
I think Obama is a decent human being. I’d love to sit down and have a beer with the guy. He ran a great campaign.
That said, America as the Founding Fathers envisioned it, is over. The government is now in the business of consequence elimination. America will be a mirror image of the Social Democracies of Western Europe.
It’s said that when robbing Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the support of Paul. Until tonight, America was a country of “Peters.” It’s now a nation of “Pauls.”
As the founders of this country knew, economic freedom is the cornerstone of all other liberties. Tonight, America relinquishes its title as “Land of the Free.”
By matt
November 5, 2008 12:14 AM | Link to this
Well, my email is handoutmyhardearnedmoney@wearescrewed.com, go ahead and send me your name and address — I’ll start sending out my paycheck to those of you who make less than me — which isn’t that much.
Time for some really hard times. I cannot believe Osama is preaching about the New Deal — oh wait, he’s a Marxist.
By Mic
November 5, 2008 12:14 AM | Link to this
Dems in the White house, in power in congress and the house. This is not smart. Where is the balance? Get ready for socialism. So much for the land of opportunity,
By Mike
November 5, 2008 12:14 AM | Link to this
Perhaps I am a bit different, but I am a republican who voted for McCain and believed in him. However, I thought he gave one of the most gracious, selfless, and truly American concession speeches in a long time. I truly believe, and hope other’s do as well, that he genuinely wants what is right for America. I will give our new President and Congress the benefit of the doubt and wish them Godspeed. I hope that tonight’s victory is not seen as a mandate to move left, but rather a mandate to govern from the center, for all people. I cannot say I agree with Obama’s policies and initiatives in totality, but I will try to keep an open mind.
If Obama and others do not live up to their promises, shame on them, they deserve the scorn of America. If they do, then I will be the first to congratulate them.
God Bless America. God Bless John McCain who love’s his country and wants what is best.
By Bye Bye...no more American Pie
November 5, 2008 12:14 AM | Link to this
America will be eating crow next 4 years.This is a travesty. Historians, Political Scientist predict our country will self destruct, much like Roman Empire, from within. Process got huge jump start tonight! It’s a sad, sad day; even sadder, beginning of the “end”. Glad my parents are decessed so they do not have to witness this tragedy. Thank God I do not have children who will have to endure wreckage this charltan, hitler-in-disquise “puppet” president will wreck on this country. Bye America!
By Tim
November 5, 2008 12:15 AM | Link to this
By Smells
November 5, 2008 12:15 AM | Link to this
Great….now the social/economic/”fairness” ills of America can stop being the sole responsibility of George W. Bush/conservatives/Republicans and can now be fully owned by…..THE DEMOCRATS. Good luck…..you all will self destruct within a year or two when you realize that constant whining about your life at the hands of GW was nothing more than a bunch of self absorbed thumb sucking. I wish you the best Obama…you are gonna need it!
By Racewalkerat 42
November 5, 2008 12:15 AM | Link to this
America has made history. While I did not vote for President-elect Obama, I am in awe that the American electorate decided that he was the best man for the job. Barack Obama will be our next president, and we must hold him to the same standard that we have held every other president before him. I am pleased, but cautious as I was in 2000 and 2004. Above all, I am proud that I was able, as a naturalized American citizen, to participate in the electoral process and make my voice heard. God Bless America.
By jetta
November 5, 2008 12:16 AM | Link to this
African Americans didn’t vote for Obama because he is Black, they voted because he is QUALIFIED. If African Americans only chose based on race then we would have lent our overwhelming support to Obama prior to his win in the primaries at the Iowa caucus.
Before that defining moment most African Americans supported Hilary Clinton and further Blacks would have supported Al Sharpton when he ran for president in 2004, however we DID NOT. The majority of African Americans have voted DEMOCRAT for the past 40 years.
Republicans and the GOP never to get over themselves and stop believing the lies that McCain spread while trying to win an election. You are the same fools who voted or BUSH for two terms and he’s a COMPLETE IDIOT who has run our country into the ground.
Obama is YOUR PRESIDENT and WE ARE ALL AMERICANS. If you don’t like what democracy has brought the U.S.A. tonight—LEAVE or go to Home Depot, buy some lumber, build a bridge and GET OVER IT.
God Bless America and God Bless President-Elect Barack Obama.
By Mark T
November 5, 2008 12:16 AM | Link to this
Sorry that Georgia didn’t join the nation in voting Obama, but proud of my country!
By Miss Kitty
November 5, 2008 12:16 AM | Link to this
This is about hope. Its about America finding its place in the world again. It is about the American Dream finally ringing true for every American. I just can’t help but feel like our future is brighter and our tomorrow looks so much better! God bless America!
By Tchaikovsky
November 5, 2008 12:16 AM | Link to this
It is sad on a most glorious day as today you still have people spreading hate. I can only think of Martin Luther King speech on April 3, 1968 in Memphis when at the end of his speech he said “One day we will make it to the promise land I might not get there with you” well Dr. King we have finally as a nation made it to the promise land Lets keep the dream alive, Good Luck Obama
By Tori
November 5, 2008 12:16 AM | Link to this
Happy, excited, overcome with emotion, PROUD and so glad to be an American.
Now I can tell my son he can someday be the president of the US and mean it!
November 5, 2008 12:17 AM | Link to this
By Lavern Hill
November 5, 2008 12:17 AM | Link to this
November 5, 2008 12:17 AM | Link to this
By ethel corn
November 5, 2008 12:17 AM | Link to this
I supported Obama yet feel quite let down. I am yet ashamed of my native Georgia for continuing to be so backward and divisive, so proud of its ignorance and clinging to labels, stereotypes, the worst of humanity, the past.
We must look to the future, and reach out for what enriches ourselves, our communities, and our humanity, beyond greed and mere monetary gain. We must find a way to join together and look beyond the superficial, to what is good, and right, and moral, even if it is not of our own religion. We have already done worse than socialism and in order for sacred capitalism to survive we must do much better.
We do have hope. We have a highly intelligent, educated, and effective new leader. Unfortunately the row he has to hoe is impossible. The financial crisis is still here, climate change is increasingly observed to be worse than we imagined, and the masses seem to have no clue.
At least the best person won… imho.
By J.D.
November 5, 2008 12:18 AM | Link to this
It saddens me that so many of you only now think that America is a great nation.
November 5, 2008 12:18 AM | Link to this
My mother always taught me to not say anything if you cant say anything nice, so to all of the prejudiced bigots that are hating on Obama, HA HA HA! I TOLD YOU SO! Because of your hatred due to the color of ones skin, you are faced with an African American president! Just shut up or conform. NOBODY cares about your negativity at this point, it is MUTE. And the last option is…if you dont like it, move to Russia!!!!! May God still continue to bless your prejudiced hearts!!!!!
By RiC
November 5, 2008 12:18 AM | Link to this
It’s amazing how some of you think ALL BLACKS voted for Obama when that’s not the case. We are intelligent enough to make a decision based on issues that we believe in and not just race. Some of us are just as (or more) educated as you. Ask yourself…if Obama were of another race would you feel the same way about him? Probably not! Your name calling only makes us stronger…so keep it up.
By s
November 5, 2008 12:19 AM | Link to this
God have mercy on our souls. A person with “0” experience and no character was elected for the simple reason that he is black. I am ashamed of the people of this country. Joe Biden will be president before the 4 years is up and possibly Nancy Pelosi. This man is a friend of terrorists, will make a worse mess of the economy and I promise you he is not going to pay your mortgages and buy your gas. He has no experience and no strength of character. He won because of his race over a person that endured torture for his country to no end. I am so ashamed of the people of America. We will go downhill from here. God have mercy on our souls.
November 5, 2008 12:20 AM | Link to this
I think it’s sad how the brainwashed sheep of the Republican Party blindly regurgitate whatever campaigning BS they have been spoonfed throughout this election. I certainly don’t agree with many of Obama’s policies — in fact the main reason I voted for him was to keep Sarah Palin away from the White House — but he is not a socialist or a Marxist. Give me a break. I would have rather seen Ron Paul as President than either Obama or McCain, but Obama will do some good things for this country. At the very least, either Obama or McCain would be an improvement over the guy who’s currently in office. I can guarantee you even McCain doesn’t believe Obama is a socialist, terrorist, Marxist, or whatever other epithets you hurl at him.
By Nazan Yar
November 5, 2008 12:20 AM | Link to this
It means we can FINALLY get rid of racist affirmative action programs!!!
By Amazed
November 5, 2008 12:20 AM | Link to this
Wow! With these comments one would think we’re living in the last days for real. I’m a black woman and I am proud of the choice I made during this election process. For me, it was never about race. It was about the political platform and how much of the candidate’s views mirrored my own. I am a working class black woman and will do all I can to help others - black, white, green, yellow or purple. I feel sorry for the people who made these negative comments on this blog. God is the one you will have to answer to for your malice and ill spirited remarks. Godspeed!
By L.M
November 5, 2008 12:21 AM | Link to this
Well Jimmy Carter is thrilled. Compared to what we are in for during the next 4 years, JC will actually look like a great president.
By ukidnme
November 5, 2008 12:21 AM | Link to this
so very, very, very scared. we are getting change alright, but not for the betterment of capitalism and the american dream. you small business employees better look for a new job, b/c change is coming. to those who can appreciate a private healtcare system over one that is nationized, change is coming. to those who work so hard and have acheived success and the american dream, don’t get too comfortable cause change is coming. and according to obama’s running mate, for those who have felt somewhat safe, don’t anymore, b/c change is coming. did i say i was so very scared????
By dubua
November 5, 2008 12:22 AM | Link to this
we are in a heap of trouble
By Arff
November 5, 2008 12:22 AM | Link to this
One more thing when Latinos, African-Americans and every other ethnic group vote for a president the vast majority of us don’t see their color only their ideas. Why can’t those of you that don’t agree with the man’s politics just leave it there and leave all the talk of thugs, gangsters and pimps out of it? Everyone knows they are code words for what you are really thinking. Most people of color think W, his dad and Reagan were idiots because of their policies not because of their color. Why don’t some of you with all of that hate jump on the train that we have been on for the last 200 plus years and disagree with his politics and just leave the racial ignorance out of it. I truly believe that Obama will be a president for all the people regardless of party affiliation. I can honestly say that I’m proud of him and I would be even prouder if he goes into office and takes off his African-American hat and puts on his American hat. We as African-Americans have to realize that if each and everyone of us voted for him he still would not have been elected. While we can be proud of him he is the president of the United States of America not the United States of African-America.
By Wondering
November 5, 2008 12:23 AM | Link to this
When Obama is sworn in will he take the Oath with his hand on the Koran?
By Trina
November 5, 2008 12:23 AM | Link to this
Since McCain actually won Georgia, I guess I should expect whining from both ends. Get over it! Bush ran this country into the ground with whatever views he had and all these people can talk about is Socialism and it being a sad day in America?? We have experienced some sad YEARS here in America. Georgia is probably the most “a@@ backwards” state in the United States.
By Seriously
November 5, 2008 12:23 AM | Link to this
I was inspired and happy and proud until, as usual, I read the comments by you jerks who prove to us every single day in this paper that hate is alive and well. Why don’t you get off your butts and do something to make our “horrible, going down the toilet” country better. As PRESIDENT ELECT Obama proved tonight, griping and spreading lies isn’t going to cut it anymore.
By Melissa
November 5, 2008 12:23 AM | Link to this
I am proud to be an American and I am proud of my new president. May God bless him and guide him in the years ahead. What a beautiful moment in history. I looked at my bi-racial daughter tonight and said, “Yes, you CAN do whatever your heart desires, sweet child.” Yes we can, indeed.
By Sadden
November 5, 2008 12:23 AM | Link to this
4 years ago I was happy that Bush didn’t have any sons to run for President. Tonight I would take another 20 years under George W. Bush than to have 4 years under Obama. As a registered democrat I WAS HAPPY TO VOTE AGAINST OBAMA and will do so again in 4 years. And he hasn’t even taken office yet. I do not like a single policy that he has talked about in the election. I did not think the day that I would be happy to have Bush in the White House would ever happen, but I am so worried about the damage the Obama and the other democrats are about to do to this Nation. AND THANK YOU GOD JIM MARTIN WAS NOT ELECTED TO THE SENATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Chiriru
November 5, 2008 12:24 AM | Link to this
I said earlier that I hope that our new President will help unite this country and make it stronger but as I peruse these posts I see just the opposite. I see the hate is still strong and that people are not even giving this a chance. Though I did not vote for him he IS the 44th President of our United States of America and that should mean something to all of us! I guess I was hoping that no matter who won this election we as a people would stand behind the victor and support him. Maybe tomorrow…….
By Ash
November 5, 2008 12:24 AM | Link to this
Welcome to the world America. This is history. This is what America is all about.
By America Jack
November 5, 2008 12:24 AM | Link to this
OK, so we got the “first African-American president” out of the way…whoopedy-doo. By the way, the pigment of a man’s skin has ZERO affect on his ability to lead this country…
Obama is a radical, with radical agendas and radical supporters in congress. The dems will stifle economic growth in this country. if people thought times were bad now, just wait as employers lay off more and more workers, companies go under or go overseas because they can’t afford union salaries and higher minimum wages, and unemployment climbs even higher. Times will be hard. I hope we will learn as a country that capitalism and a free market society, where achievement and innovation is rewarded, is the key to the USA’s success by 2012 and vote for leaders that will facilitate economic growth through the free market. Til then, just hang on….
By J.
November 5, 2008 12:24 AM | Link to this
I’m excited because now I can quit my job and have the government take care of me. Can’t wait for that first check to come rolling in. Let’s see… should I get the 50inch plasma or the 52inch plasma… decisions, decisions. God bless America and I want to say sorry to my children for failing them.
By jmueller
November 5, 2008 12:24 AM | Link to this
I’m disappointed, I was hoping the first “president of color” would be a conservative, like a Condi Rice, and not an avowed socialist/marxist who believes in infanticide and does not support Israel.
By Dave Perry
November 5, 2008 12:25 AM | Link to this
I hope we come together as a nation because after reading some of the comments here it makes me sick to my stomach that some people can’t recognize what a historical night this has been. No president of this country is a dictator or will force something on this country that the majority doesn’t want. Let’s pull together as a nation and move forward from the past which nearly did destroy this country.
November 5, 2008 12:26 AM | Link to this
Goodnight to the ignorant people of Georgia. 70% of you bigots can’t spell. Move to Canada if you don’t like it! Change is mandatory. This is a great day!
By raceman94
November 5, 2008 12:26 AM | Link to this
Here comes socialism, here come socialism, right down socialism lane!
We’re screwed!
By LaShanquanisha
November 5, 2008 12:26 AM | Link to this
Barf. Very disappointed. Not that that Obama is evil or anything; he’ll just be ineffectual and all that consensus-building he wants to do will keep him from really governing in a time when decisions need to be made.
All these ridiculous, lazy people looking for a political savior to give them handouts will be even less productive for society than they already were.
At least Georgia as a whole didn’t fall prey to the socialist fever that swept through so much of America, and those here who think they won because Obama did should remember that they didn’t. Georgia still went RED, and by a sizeable margin. It looks like we’ll keep a Republican senator too, so when Obama turns out to be Jimmy Carter v 2.0, Georgia won’t look quite so backward this time around.
By Oh SH!T
November 5, 2008 12:27 AM | Link to this
I am SICK right now. No, not because he is black (or half black, or part Arabic, or whatever)…I am sick because of his policies. What happened to the principle that hard work pays off? I think the moral compass of this nation is dying along with the WWII generation.
By Disappointed...
November 5, 2008 12:27 AM | Link to this
Wow… Guess we really are the next USSR… Socialism…followed by Communism… God, bless us for real!!! We’re going to need it the next 4 years! (And, NO—it has NOTHING to do with RACE, but EVERYTHING to do with telling the TRUTH!!!)
By julia
November 5, 2008 12:27 AM | Link to this
I hope you know Jesus
By M H
November 5, 2008 12:28 AM | Link to this
God help us. WE HAVE LOST AS A NATION…. It amazes me and saddens me the number of blacks on this blog that are the real racists. They say it’s the whites but it’s really the blacks. It’s not about the color of anyones skin, it’s about policies and experiences. How ignorant you people are….. Because of his liberal policies and ideas we are in for things to get even worse than they already are and you all are just happen you have a black president. How sad!!!! Do you even know what his policies and ideas are??
By White girl
November 5, 2008 12:28 AM | Link to this
I watched the sun rise this morning and thought about what a historic day this was going to be. I had chill bumps as I walked back to my car after casting my vote..I went to work and was anxious all day and came home and watched the sun set thinking how lucky we are to see this day, no matter the result. I am emotionally spent and I know that I will remember every little thing about this day for the rest of my life. What an amazing day.
By Amos
November 5, 2008 12:28 AM | Link to this
The Fall of Pax Americana has begun. Historian Arnold J. Toynbee attributed one reason for the Fall of the Roman Empire to: “a plunder economy.” “The economy of the [the final Roman] Empire was basically a Raubwirtschaft or plunder economy based on looting existing resources rather than producing anything new.” Wiki. This election, and its stark coming “taxing and stated wealth transfer policies,” mark not the ending of a past dark age, but rather the Beginning of the Fall of Pax Americana.
By Nicole in Kennesaw
November 5, 2008 12:28 AM | Link to this
I didn’t even consider that I would be so emotional. I am overwhelmed, A little in shock, I knew it would happen but watching it was surreal. I am so happy that America picked the most able candidate and didn’t look at race, it’s a new step for America and one in which we should all be proud, I know I am.
By RTurner
November 5, 2008 12:28 AM | Link to this
It feels like Christmas and New Years Combined!
By Kelly Cosmo
November 5, 2008 12:28 AM | Link to this
I threw up
By right
November 5, 2008 12:29 AM | Link to this
This country is screwed - Why don’t the “my people” get off there asses and get a damn job - lazy americans!!
By Lavern Hill
November 5, 2008 12:29 AM | Link to this
By was proud
November 5, 2008 12:29 AM | Link to this
I was proud to be an american where i used to be free, This jerk willnot even pledge allegence or hold his hand over his heart. You wanted Change well get ready cause here it comes……morons
Well im proud to be a Canadian where at least I know im free, I may freeze my butt off but at least i will be free.
GAME OVER FOLKS clean your towels cause your gonna be wearing them.
By Allison
November 5, 2008 12:29 AM | Link to this
Wow…all these hate messages really reveal the change that is needed in this damned country! Stop spewing hatred and lies you idiots. You know fully well that Obama is an upstanding CHRISTIAN man yet you continue to lie and say that he is Muslim when you clearly know otherwise!! Country going down to hell huh?? Any president could have came in and SLEPT 23 hours a day and did a better job than Bush did!! But Bush gets a pass right? Because he was of the ‘accepted’ race!! Go to hell you ignorant mongrels! CHANGE is coming whether you like it or not!! Go find a lake and jump in it! Stop making yourselves look like idiots!! YES WE CAN!!!
By dumbfounded
November 5, 2008 12:29 AM | Link to this
I am in total shock!! How could so many vote for Obama when he does not salute the America Flag and is also a MUSLIM. GOD HELP US ALL!! Most of the African-Americans voted for him because of the color of his skin and the white people who voted for him are just crazy. The color of a persons skin is not the issue here-IT IS WHAT HE STANDS FOR-AND FROM WHAT I HEAR AND SEE HE IS NOT A GOD FEARING AMERICAN MAN!!!! I NEVER THOUGHT THIS DAY WOULD COME.
By God-fearing American
November 5, 2008 12:30 AM | Link to this
How do I feel: NAUSEOUS
I mourn for this dying country.
By Darryl
November 5, 2008 12:30 AM | Link to this
It’s sad to read some of the defeatist comments rendered so far. WE are America, and if we work together instead of working against each other WE win. It will be interesting to see what will be like to have an intelligent and forward-thinking person in the presidency again. As President Kennedy prescribed, I look forward to doing whatever I can to help make an Obama presidency successful and the USA an even better country.
By Momof2kids
November 5, 2008 12:30 AM | Link to this
Lord, please forgive them -for they no not what they have done. I am sick to my stomach about this. How can people be so deceived by one man?
By swamprat
November 5, 2008 12:30 AM | Link to this
All you demorats, enjoy this night. It will be your last one. Tonight is the first day in the total destruction of AMERICA. This is the worst day of my life, all 72 years of them. Central America, here I come. There is no way I’m staying here and have to look at and listen to a person like Barack Huissen Obama for the rest of my life. I’m going to enjoy it in peace. I’ll give all of you that put this “sucker” in office 6 months after he actually becomes President and you’ll be crying and begging for John McCain. And, if something happens to BO and joe blow biden has to take over - G0D HELP YOUR SOULS AND HAVE MERCY ON THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Just remember you heard it here on November 4, 2008.
By Regina
November 5, 2008 12:31 AM | Link to this
As a black american, I finally feel vindicated. After all the torture and humiliation of not having a black face to be proud of, I am finally proud to be an american. It hasn’t been easy to say I am proud of my leadership in the past, but now I am feeling a part of america because I finally believe it is possible to become anything I want to be in america. Yes, I Can!!
By j f
November 5, 2008 12:31 AM | Link to this
makes me sick to my stomach….God will not bless a nation that is putting a man over our nation who goes along with murdering thousands of babys a year…and goes against the values that our Godly nation was founded on……SICK AT MY STOMACH
By Audrey
November 5, 2008 12:31 AM | Link to this
Right now I am so proud to be an American. The best man won and as a democracy we must support the majority decision. My hope is that we all will come together as Americans and support our president
By John
November 5, 2008 12:31 AM | Link to this
I couldn’t be happier! Finally a president who will work to help the middle class. Finally a president who won’t cater to the rich and the corporations. Finally a president who will do what’s best for the largest portion of America that has been ignored for the last 8 years. And finally a president who can speak in complete, coherent sentences.
By Hussein from the grave
November 5, 2008 12:31 AM | Link to this
Well my american captors you think by hanging me that you would be free of me. my namesake has sneaked in the back door of the white house and will put you dumb a* white folks in your place. We knew that a great number of the young white folks were easily persuaded and could be hoodwinked into following hussein jr. we also knew that many blacks are so racist that any man that resembles a black man would get their vote. If they were not racists and only democrats they would have voted for the most qualified democrat Hillary Clinton. However they showed that young ignorant whites and black racists would be willing to turn their country over to us without a shot being fired. I am sure some people will regret it when our policies raise their electric bills over 300 percent and they sit in the dark and think what have i done? But that will pass as as they learn to praise allah everyday and traffic will decline as women are restricted from driving and remain in the house to serve us men. Your bible says that you will reap what you sew well get ready to reap your harvest you dumb suckers. Praise allah Praise obama praise cynthia tucker praise cong lewis and all the ignorants and racists that has given us a victory over America. I thank you and my sons thank you We win you lose Hussein from the grave….
By SmlBsnessOwner
November 5, 2008 12:31 AM | Link to this
Well, this is an unfortunate outcome. Not the one I was hoping for. Hopefully I won’t have to let too many people go because of this. If Obama raises taxes though, I will have to fire some people. Just the way it is.
By ga girl
November 5, 2008 12:32 AM | Link to this
Now, maybe I can vent a little bit. This is my opinion, only. I hope and pray that we as a nation will not be sorry “he” won. It worries me because of his refusal to lay hand on Bible. I don’t think he is what we need to run and govern our country. People who voted for “him” and rely on “him” to fix our economy, I am afraid they will be dissappointed. Time will tell and I will be praying for our country. God Bless America!
By matt
November 5, 2008 12:32 AM | Link to this
I’ve been reading all these comments and I agree the name calling should stop and this is historical.
But everyone who voted for Obama will see within 3 years that we are going to abandon our moral leadership, we’ll have a weak economy, and we’ll quickly slide out of the category of world leader.
My prayer for this country is that God forgives the decisions of our leaders and our courts. We are going to see decisions made that do nothing but strip people of freedoms, permit and promote the removal of God from our society, and create a greater divide in the country. Please forgive this country.
And for those of you that are going to attack this post — this country was founded on the sound principal of seperation of Church and state, but in the same breath — this country was founded on the principle of “In God We Trust”. The leaders in charge now, Pelosi, Reid, Obama, Frank, Biden — have violated this trust.
By Old School Al
November 5, 2008 12:32 AM | Link to this
Words cannot express the pride and joy that I feel right now. I cried as I listened to my 84 year old grandmother tell me about her trip to the polls today. This was my 8th Presidential election, and when I voted 3 plus weeks ago,I really felt like I was doing something great for my country. Now is a time for our country to heal, a time for us to unite. As an educator, I have seen the impact that the venom has had on our youth, and I can only pray that we will recover from the poison that continues to spew out of some mouths.
I. like most of President-Elect Obama’s supporters, fully understand that it is going to take much more than an election to dig this country out of this deep depression that we are in. But we can go to sleep tonight knowing that we have the opportunity to contribute to the rebuilding of this nation! Restoration has finally come! We the people have spoken, and We the people accept the challenge! YES WE CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
November 5, 2008 12:33 AM | Link to this
Welcome to the U.S.S.A. - United Socialist States of Amerika (yes, I spelled the last part correctly).
Or, to borrow a line from an R.E.M. song, “It’s the end of the world as we know it…” but I personally don’t feel fine and neither should you.
By trademe
November 5, 2008 12:33 AM | Link to this
Hey all is not lost for you good old boys….Obama didn’t win Georgia!!! Which would explain all of the racist comments that you SORE LOSERS are posting. Get used to saying President Obama for the next four years…….Rebel Yell that!!! YeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaw!
By gayle
November 5, 2008 12:33 AM | Link to this
The legacy of Bush is that his administration was so inept and incompetant that it motivated the country to really take a chance to move beyond the status quo and return the country to the people.
For that, I will forever be grateful to George W. Bush.
Now the country has been given back to the people. The Constitution will be revivied and the world can once more look up to us.
This is a great moment!!
By Voter
November 5, 2008 12:33 AM | Link to this
We told yall 8 years ago, not to vote for Bush, and you did look what happen….Two wars, everybody is loosing money, houses, gas prices are up, the national debt is waaaaaaay up higher. My mortgage business has faltered. And YOU IDIOTS are telling me, that McCain was going to fix all this mess when he was right there along with Bush every STEP OF THE WAY! What kind of decisions was he going to make? Sarah Palin was his first mistake!
November 5, 2008 12:34 AM | Link to this
To Sadden, Wondering and America Jack: Go to Hell!!!!
By RedGeorgiaBoy
November 5, 2008 12:34 AM | Link to this
After reading some of these comments, I am in awe. It’s 2008, and most of these comments remind me of Jim Crow Days. It’s pretty shocking that a majority of Georgians still have that mindset. My message to you - wear your hoods and gowns daily, so everyone is aware of your views, stop hiding.
By smorgan
November 5, 2008 12:34 AM | Link to this
The only thing I can say is I am going to apply for welfare. I am white and have never had that opportunity, but I think Obama will give me welfare, healthcare, and section 8 housing. I look forward to this for my future. Smorgan
By Tim
November 5, 2008 12:34 AM | Link to this
By Joe Public
November 5, 2008 12:34 AM | Link to this
I say Great. Since Obama had too much wealth. Then let him be the first that Govt. takes away from. So how does a social worker afford a $800k home. Face the facts people, Obama is an elitist. He went to Columbia Unv. then Harvard. How much social upper crust does one need. He later crawled through the Chicago slime of a democratic political machine. You think just b/c your black or a poor white ur life is going to change.
Yeah their going to try to get you your 40 acres and mule and then your job will be gone b/c the era of Federal Govt intrusion will be upon us.
Small business owners will stop hiring people and stop re-investing in their business.
Think of it this way…has anyone that was poor ever given you a JOB>>>not including a Govt. Agency????
Our economy will suffer more so under Socialism then under BUSH”s foreign policy and economic baliouts.
Obama is going to usher in an era similar to what is going on Argentina and by Hugo Chavez.
I believe Hilter onced believe Govt could solved all problems. Obama has no foreign policy or economic plan other than to punish those that create labor and wealth and to reward those that are a burden.
By American
November 5, 2008 12:34 AM | Link to this
I did not know affirmative action applied to the President too? Wow go figure
By Yes u Did
November 5, 2008 12:34 AM | Link to this
Yes we can, Yes you did, Yes you better get ready cause its going to hit the fan. We had a chance and blew it. The taliban have a leader in high power, Obrother
By Chiriru
November 5, 2008 12:34 AM | Link to this
By joe November 5, 2008 12:11 AM “oh, and hey all you black folk, in a short time you will actually find out what obama is about. be prepared, you will still have to pay for your mortgages and gas. obama isnt the savior!!!!!!!”
I would appreciate it if Joe and those like him would stop generalizing black people and dumping us all in the same’ non-educated, can’t hold down a job, having babies after babies, all on welfare, want everything handed to them’ basket!! It is getting soo old and tired! How many black people have you actually spent time with and had meaningful conversations with? Where does this prejudice come from? What black person wronged you in the past? When is this ever going to stop!!??
By An Obamanation
November 5, 2008 12:34 AM | Link to this
I have some “Don’t Blame Me, I Voted For McCain” bumper stickers for sale. I am going to be rich….oh crap, I’ll be taxed….never mind, you didn’t hear that from me.
November 5, 2008 12:35 AM | Link to this
I see some of you are still whining about “this country is going down the toilet, our country is doomed, blah, blah, blah.”
You have the nerve to call yourselves Americans and you are anything but. We all have to come together to make this country great again. But no, you’d rather revel in your hate and anger. People wonder why Georgia stays at the bottom of the list as far as education goes.
If you truly care about this country, quit crying and start helping to get this country back on track. One Nation Under God.
By Vote turner
November 5, 2008 12:35 AM | Link to this
My question for all the people claiming that the country is going to be better off, who is Obama? What has he done in the two years he has been in the senate to prove he can run this country? We know he is a socialist. You can’t deny that. His health care programs screams it. Takefrom the have’s and give to the have nots. Nice!!! Which only means the middle class will bear the burden as we always have. Clearly if people voted for Obama cause he black well I think that is very sad. I believe he is half black and half white. I really don’t care if he is purple. What I do care about is what he stands for. I don’t understand how you can convince people to vote you into office and you won’t even salute the flag or place your hand over your heart for the National Anthem? We didn’t make this up. Wake up people you were sold a bill of goods and he will not deliever what you think you are going to receive. You wanted him— you got him.. Now let’s see in 4 years if your taxes haven’t been raised, no big changes in health care ( this was a big Clinton issue and they had 8 years and nothing), job rate will be worse. We are in for a ride. You think now is bad. God Bless America!!!
By right
November 5, 2008 12:35 AM | Link to this
Now there is a black Not african american president - he doesn’t have ties to Africa -
Is everyone equal or do we still need to recognize your specials needs?? Black month, black day….we are one country yet you continue to segregate yourself
By joe
November 5, 2008 12:36 AM | Link to this
we have lost as a nation, the damage to liberty will never be undone. this is the beginning of the fall of our once great nation. people wanted change, well you got it. change for the worse
By FreedomPatriot
November 5, 2008 12:36 AM | Link to this
Yes, fools. The end is indeed near: the end of your hate-fueled, Hannity-brainwashed, fear-based, Neanderthalic reign. Thank God we survived eight years of George W. Bush, whom my dog is smarter than. Cheer up! Things are about to get better! We now have a president with an I.Q. higher than his shoe size. Maybe move to Alaska?
By eric
November 5, 2008 12:36 AM | Link to this
“God created man in his own image. In God’s image he created him; male and female he created them. ” Genesis 1
Hatred and racism is pure ignorance.
I voted Republican, and fit the stereotype.
Aren’t we all here to glorify god?
By trademe
November 5, 2008 12:36 AM | Link to this
YeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw!! You go Dale!!!!!!
November 5, 2008 12:36 AM | Link to this
By Musicgeek
November 5, 2008 12:36 AM | Link to this
Don’t like socialism? Then don’t you dare cash that Social Security Check. That’s socialism. Don’t you dare use Medicaid or Medicare. That’s socialism. Don’t you dare count on the FDIC to protect your money. That’s socialism. My guess is that most of you gap-toothed, cross-eyed, inbred, mongoloid morons don’t even know what socialism is, you’re just parroting what you hear other Jerry Springer-watching, Dance with the Stars lovin’ boneheads say. And for all you fairytale believin’ Christians who call him the Antichrist, the Bible says the Antichrist will come from a small, backwater country. Hardly describes the USA, does it? If you’d actually read the Bible rather than repeating what Rapture-spewing charlatans cram down your fried-food gobbling throats, you might know that. I’ve lived in the South all my life and am very glad to know that the constant inbreeding of folks like your are lessening your ability to fight off disease and thinning your herd.
By Trayce
November 5, 2008 12:37 AM | Link to this
I am overwhelmed and overjoyed, my grandmother voted today as well as my son. This is the first election he was eligible to vote in, and he helped elect the first Black President. Life is great.
We have had 8 years of Republican rule, and it has ran this country in the ditch, so now we will see what President Obama can do. It won’t be easy, he is facing an uphill battle, but I have confidence that he will put us on the right track.
By Lawrenceville Mike
November 5, 2008 12:37 AM | Link to this
As I read the angry comments as it relates to OUR FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT (your’s and mine, like it or not), I can imagine that this was the same reaction that occured throughout the Confederacy when slavery was abolished. “Joe Six Pack”, you would rather have a senior citizen and his intellectually challenged running mate than a clearly qualified black man. No longer will the backward thinking portion of our population have a voice in this “new nation”. Education will help you overcome your fears and stereotypes.
By Jodi
November 5, 2008 12:37 AM | Link to this
I hated seeing Georgia as a red state, but there is no need to argue with these simple minded Republicans on this blog. Just look at how they acted when grandpa conceded - booing and being disrespectful. Who in their right mind would elect grandpa John McCain anyway? President Barack Obama is what this country needs!
The whole world was watching this election. The whole world supported Barack and I am happy that he swept those Electoral Votes.
Obama Yall - Goodnight :)
By Chuck
November 5, 2008 12:37 AM | Link to this
Congrats to Obama. But I still won’t pay his higher taxes (and ‘skyrocketing’ electric rates) without a fight.
By Finally
November 5, 2008 12:38 AM | Link to this
I am absoluetly overjoyed. I am only 24, and I never thought I would see this day. I am, however, deeply saddened by the ignorance and lack of cooperation of my fellow Georgians. I can see that some of you, like Sarah Palin, have failed to read the United States Constitution, because unless you want another march to the sea, Georgia will not be seceding from the Union anytime soon. And, to all your socialist cries—you guys were just brainwashed by RNC gimmicks. By the way, unless ALL of you make $250,000 (and in this economy, I doubt many of you even have jobs), what are you so worried about?
And, for those of you who claimed you would move…you have two months to go!
By Zeke
November 5, 2008 12:38 AM | Link to this
The reign of terror of the Bushies / Reagan is over! The coffin has been nailed shut and cannot be reopened! This is a new era, and everything from this point on will be different. We will have common sense in leadership that will flow through the nation, instead of the propaganda laden presidency of Obama’s predecessor. Long live Obama! God bless the USA! - finally!
By Ryan
November 5, 2008 12:38 AM | Link to this
I’ve always been proud of my country, but I am even more proud of it now that an African American has been elected President. That being said, I somewhat fear for what will take place. The government will only grow bigger and the deficit larger. I will stand behind him however and pray that he will seek guidance from God and not from failed philosophies.
By kevin
November 5, 2008 12:38 AM | Link to this
YeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW!!!!!!! U Go Dale!!!!!!
By mlh
November 5, 2008 12:39 AM | Link to this
A historic tonight for America! I feel proud of my country that finally after almost 150 years after the Civil War and Reconstruction period, we were able to move past our racial issues and elect a president of African-American hertiage.
By Saddened
November 5, 2008 12:39 AM | Link to this
I am truly sad for all of those who believe so strongly that true change comes through a president. I fear that many in this country will regret their decision long before the next election. Lord have mercy on this nation.
By bulldawg62281
November 5, 2008 12:39 AM | Link to this
All I can say is everyone better look up cause Jesus will be coming back soon. Barack Obama as our President can only mean that the end of the world is near!
By Mark
November 5, 2008 12:39 AM | Link to this
I feel good about Obama winning…except extremists Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton supported him. Still, I’m optimistic President Obama will be a President for all the people, as Clinton was, while still insisting on accountability before bailout. It’s got to be better for the average citizen than the last years of King George II. President Obama has shown more compassion for the average American in the last few weeks than the Republican party has in the last few years. All you nay-sayers, drink your poison and get over it!
By GoodRiddanceGa
November 5, 2008 12:40 AM | Link to this
Wow, the blatant, unrestrained, unabashed racism and ignorance displayed in the great majority of these posts really make me glad I moved out of Georgia last year. Atlanta’s the capital of the “New South”? Looks like the same old bigoted South in Lenox Mall clothing to me. What a bunch of redneck morons.
By Fred
November 5, 2008 12:41 AM | Link to this
Now begins the Red State Resistance!
Two years of this nonsense and we’ll take back the Congress.
By Zeke
November 5, 2008 12:41 AM | Link to this
Reading the posts here, it’s easy to see why Georgia always scores at the bottom of national education test scores.
By Regina
November 5, 2008 12:41 AM | Link to this
I see that sooo many of you COLD-HEARTED are so hit now. Get Over It! It doesn’t matter how you feel because Obama won anyway. Most of you do not know what Socialism is. It is just what John McCain wanted you guys to believe. Finally the Weapons of Mass Destruction, the Republican Party, have been destroyed.
By Im sick
November 5, 2008 12:41 AM | Link to this
It makes me want to vomit. God save our nation from mongrels.
By Arff
November 5, 2008 12:41 AM | Link to this
Question, since all of brilliant folks blogging can tell us why folks voted for Obama please tell us why with Republicans in the White House for the last 8 years and in control of Congress for 6 of the last 8 years we are in the worse shape as a country that we have been in decades? Also, aren’t the dummies that voted for George W. Bush to blame for putting our country in such dire straits? Last question what demographic voted for good ole W and would you consider them crazy?
November 5, 2008 12:41 AM | Link to this
I feel so proud to have Obama elected as the 44th President of the USA. I loved his speech when he reference the 106 year old African American lady who has seen America highs and lows. I also enjoyed how he acknowledged his ancestors, crediting them for who he is. Most of all, I feel inspire to once again believe in America that our founders, MLK, and many other greats believed in and envision. I am just taking in the the enormoity of today. May God bless America.
By sooo sad
November 5, 2008 12:42 AM | Link to this
ALL financial analysts say the economy will get worse under Obama. His Sr. Advisor was asked about that and she couldn’t even give an answer!!! I am so excited to pay more taxes, aren’t you??
By Matthew
November 5, 2008 12:42 AM | Link to this
I’ll take your proposed Socialist/ Communist/ Marxist America any day when it’s in opposition to the Rascist/ Hatemongering/ Ignorant America so many of you rampantly display.
November 5, 2008 12:42 AM | Link to this
Personally, I have never been prouder to be an American. This is an exciting time in our nation and I really wish we could relish this moment rather than act as sore losers on the wrong end of a landslide election. For the first time, voters - young and old - were excited to be involved in our democratic process. Unfortunately, greed and selfishness are blinding many of us. America was founded on many of the ideals that President Elect Barack Obama vows to uphold and I wish more of us recognized this fact. Take off your white-washed view of the world and understand that its time for change.
By Hello
November 5, 2008 12:42 AM | Link to this
Newsflash people: Obama isn’t black. He’s half white, half black, last I checked. That makes him mixed race, or mullato. So I guess he isn’t the first african american president then.
By Gaines
November 5, 2008 12:42 AM | Link to this
Tonight, I sat in the condo of one of my neighbors; both very smart and welcoming individuals who I have grown to love and respect. He, I found out, was an usher (for lack of a better term) at the King funeral. She, an ardent Obama supporter, mainly because of his race (I believe) than his beliefs as a politician (I hope). Once the election was called, and Obama won, she broke down in tears. Literally not able to convey her thoughts through her emotions. She recalled times from 40+ years ago when blacks were ostracized. She gathered her thoughts through her tears and recalled the oppression that her race had suffered and tonight was a vindication of her life. Not of her life’s work, but her life. These people are more than wonderful, and I wish that they had seen that maybe someone like Dr. Walter Williams, Herman Cain, Dr. Thomas Sowell, Condeleeza Rice, or Colin Powell might have been a better choice for the first Black President. How could I ruin her moment? How could I not be conciliatory to her dreams? How could I, as a friend, tell her that tonight is the beginning of the end for our country? I hugged her tightly and gave her as much love as I could as an American, which was a lot. I congratulated her on her work as a supporter, and although slyly, on her joy for her race. Deep down inside, I believe that Barrack Obama is not the best choice for America, nor was John McCain in all honesty. On the Republican ticket, I wanted to see Mike Huckabee or Rudi Giuliani running. The Libertarian ticket was weak, and as a Libertarian, I was disappointed in the support of Bob Barr. Even though I like Barr a lot, and respect him as a politician, his stances and support was very weak. We truly were faced with a lesser of two evils, and I believe that we chose wrongly. However, after 4 years of Jimmy Carter, we came together as a country and elected a great statesman in Ronald Reagan. My hope is the in four years we will do the same thing and right this country. Maybe I’m wrong in thinking that Barrack is the wrong choice. He could do wonders for this country and prove me wrong, but I have a lot of doubts in that regard. I see 4 years of socialism that will ruin this country. Outside my condo, on Peachtree Street, people are celebrating the Change and Hope. Something tells me that in four years, they will regret this night more than they can celebrate.
By Zeke
November 5, 2008 12:43 AM | Link to this
It looks like the only demographic that Obama did not win was uneducated white males. Wow. And you guys are proud of that, huh?
By Kelly B
November 5, 2008 12:43 AM | Link to this
WOW I can’t believe all of the hatred that I’ve read tonight! This is a time when America needs to come together for the greater good of the world! We are a superpower who can’t get over RACE in 2008. GROW UP PEOPLE! All the racist are just getting what they have been force feeding us for over 400 years. DEAL WITH IT. We’ve gone through so much as a people-people have died trying to get us here. IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE SO GET WITH THE PROGRAM OR BE LEFT OUT PERIOD!!
By Kristen
November 5, 2008 12:44 AM | Link to this
Divisive? Do you remember the 2004 election? Millions got out the vote for the sole reason of voting against George W. Bush. Bush had more votes cast against him than any other US president ever! (And we didn’t even have Carl Rove cheating for our side) Have you ever noticed that Obama’s camp is really diverse, while McCain’s supporters seem to be a bunch of ignorant Joe the plumber types.
By sooo sad
November 5, 2008 12:44 AM | Link to this
I can’t wait to say “I told you so” in 4 more years….
By C L Williams
November 5, 2008 12:44 AM | Link to this
By Greg
November 5, 2008 12:47 AM | Link to this
Israel, hurry up. You’ve got a little over 2 months to take out Iran’s nuclear capability! If you wait until after Jan. 20, 2009, you’ll never be supported by our socialist dictator! Obama has even called for you to give up East Jerusalem to Palastine. Do you think he really cares about you? He’s Arabic!
As a nation, we deserve what we’re about to get!
By JC Owens
November 5, 2008 12:47 AM | Link to this
oh yeah—
and for all you red state jesus freaks: theres no way you can pray out of this one. You’re stuck with Obama for 8 years! Deal with it!
By JudyG
November 5, 2008 12:48 AM | Link to this
Wow. I am embarrassed by the racist and BS remarks posted here.
I am PROUD to have voted for President Obama. I am a white 44 yr old woman and resident of Georgia and I am PROUD to have Obama as my President.
By Tour Guide 08
November 5, 2008 12:48 AM | Link to this
To all of you who feel now is the time to leave the USA because of the Obama-Biden victory.
I have a travel special for you and all of your like minded friends.
$99 one way trip to any place that you’d be more comfortable. No fees for checked baggage or window seats either.
You’ll even receive priority seating so we can get you out of here quickly. The first change we need to make is getting rid of the obstacles that stand in the way of the progress we must make.
We can and we will make this a better country. If you don’t want to help then we don’t need you.
By Matthew
November 5, 2008 12:48 AM | Link to this
Two things are good about today, from this conservative white Christian, who also happens to teach high school history:
It is a good thing for the presidency to be available to people of all colors. Regardless of anything else, that is a good sign.
It is a good thing that the people were involved in the election. Estimates of voter turnout in my home state (not GA) were somewhere around 70%. It’s good to have people, especially young people, involved in politics.
That said, I am very concerned about a very liberal, freshman senator with known ties to terrorists running our nation. I pray that he will govern from the center, but I have a strong sense that he, with the majorities in both houses of Congress and the new Supreme Court justices he will get to appoint, will force on America social and economic policies that are contrary to our heritage and good sense. I pray I am mistaken and regardless, I will pray for him as I have for President Bush these last eight years.
Also, kudos to Sen McCain for running as strong a campaign as possible in a Democratic year. Honestly people, Donald Duck could have been put on the Democratic ticket and won, considering the trials we face at home and abroad. There really was no way possible that any Republican could have won this year. Historically, few if any men have been elected president after two terms of their own party. It’s rare, though Bush 1 accomplished it.
At any rate, I am convinced that God governs in the affairs of men, and He will be just as in charge on January 20, 2009 as He is now. I am okay with Him in charge, and will pray for Pres-elect Obama to seek His guidance.
By Melancholy
November 5, 2008 12:48 AM | Link to this
I want to feel proud of this great nation for embracing a black man as president. But I can’t get his wife’s voice out of my head, saying she’d never been proud of the country I love, or the nagging little questions about his past associations or his secret deals with foreign leaders before he was even elected.
I want to feel this is a turning point, but I’ve tired of the false calls to unity and thoroughly broken promises of respect and bipartisanship. I have no reason to suspect this guy is different, and I can’t help but feel there’s a lot of people out there who want little more than some payback.
So, all in all, I don’t feel all that great right now.
By Realist
November 5, 2008 12:49 AM | Link to this
The Stock Market will tank tomorrow.
By Today is the day!
November 5, 2008 12:49 AM | Link to this
Sore losers! Stop crying! The man won 51% of the popular vote, I guess that percentage was all African American … I don’t think so. Bush screwed up the economy and if you are too rich to be affected than I can understand why your feelings are hurt. GET OVER IT … AMERICA HAS SPOKEN and BARACK OBAMA is the 44th PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES!
By ButlerDawg
November 5, 2008 12:49 AM | Link to this
Careful what you wish for America…Oops you just got it! Say bye bye to more of your dollars and even harder times. Maybe next time you will actually do a little research on a candidate…my guess is you wont, dullards.
By Some_Dude
November 5, 2008 12:50 AM | Link to this
What really cracks me is everyone writing that its the other parties fault that we are where we are today.
Our children will have to pay for the ever-increasing, ever-expanding mess WE have made.
By jcdocpc
November 5, 2008 12:51 AM | Link to this
I have never been so touched by a President Elect. I must say I truly have confidence in this man. I know we are in store for a difficult journey…but now, at least now…I feel we are on the way out of a tunnel instead of on the way in.
By Karla
November 5, 2008 12:51 AM | Link to this
I feel GOOD dunna dunna dunna da… I knew that I would dunna dunna dunna da. I feel NICE dunna dunna dunna da, like sugar and spice, dunna dunna dunna da. This is sooooo Nice!!!!
By duke
November 5, 2008 12:51 AM | Link to this
Sick but not as sick as his voters when they find out he isn’t going to make their mortagage payment & bills for them. Hard to believe people voted for a man with such questionable background.
By CoolHead
November 5, 2008 12:52 AM | Link to this
To those who voted for Senator Obama and to those who did not but understands the importance of putting aside political differences and moving forward, I would encourage you to ignore the simple minded and ignorant individuals who continues with their hatefula and racial slurs. Senator Obama always model how to ignore simple, racist people and/or remarks. As our leader, we can follow his example and simple ignore unremarkable and marginally intelligent, racist, fear mongers individuals. This is our time in history to rejoice and we should not allow the small minded to steal our thunder. To do so would be to be on their level. Some people are so low and cannot be pulled or raised up. Enjoy this moment and embrace the change.
By Chris Salzmann
November 5, 2008 12:52 AM | Link to this
bulldawg62281 said: All I can say is everyone better look up cause Jesus will be coming back soon. Barack Obama as our President can only mean that the end of the world is near!
Chris: Didn’t you folks say the same thing when they finally made segregation illegal and legalized inter-racial marriage???
And wonders upon wonders; we’re all still here. Maybe God’s been trying to tell you something? LIKE YOU”RE AN IDIOT AND WRONG!!!
By Obama '08
November 5, 2008 12:52 AM | Link to this
I am so glad that finally the best man won and the people will be heard. It’s sad to see that so many americans are still not able to appreciate a leader with a heart for all americans and not just the rich and connected. Hopefully under Obama’s leadership we can all learn to come together as one America.
By atlantalibra
November 5, 2008 12:52 AM | Link to this
Glad to be rid of the old geezer and the pig with lipstick.
By Lisa
November 5, 2008 12:52 AM | Link to this
I agree with the person that said we should have to take a test before we can vote. Then you cant get elected on skin color. What these idiots dont know is that our problem began with a democratic congress but Bush got the blame I hope we are ready for God’s wrath with a President that has a Pastor that damns America when we were founded on Christian principles. Maybe that is what we need to bring us back to where we belong. To be humbled and brought to our knees. Maybe a war with Chavez on our dirt. You people deserve what you get!!!
By Daniel
November 5, 2008 12:52 AM | Link to this
Awsome. Im a 27 year old white male. This is awsome. You had 8 years to screw this country up. Its time for a change. Go burn your cross and hate things that wont happen. I hate this state for the way people act towards black people. You lost! Enjoy the next four years, I will.
By White and voted proudly Obama
November 5, 2008 12:54 AM | Link to this
I’m lower=middle class White, Finished High Schoola nd have some college (I paid for myself until I got married) No Medical insurance, Taking 7 prescriptions a month, Married w/1 income and unemployment,
Still able to pay my bills because: I didn’t buy too much of a house more then I could afford. I own my 12yr.old vehicle Made my son pay his own way through college, And didn’t expect nor get anything for nothing. Don’t tell me it can’t be done because all it took was control and no self indulgence. Don’t think anything but good change is on the horizon for most folks. We share the same color, “By stonoguy November 4, 2008 11:31 PM | Link to this Us whiteys and this country are in trouble….big time!!!!”
but your an a ss.
Thank God for change Darlene
By nt
November 5, 2008 12:54 AM | Link to this
I did my research on the candidates thoroughly and still voted for obama I DON’T GIVE A DAMN IF HE WAS MUSLIM, WE HAVE SOLDIERS THAT ARE MUSLIM FIGHTING IN IRAQ.
By Luv2Talk
November 5, 2008 12:54 AM | Link to this
I am so happy that President-Elect Obama has won. I feel as though the country has won a victory. Everyone may not feel it, but if they open their minds and hearts they will eventually. This is a chance for us to finally become a truly united country. The world was watching tonight and they will continue to watch. If all are smart they will work together. Mr. Obama will assemble a brilliant team to take us where we need to go. By the way, to all that are complaining of him being a socialist, public schools are a form of socialism. Stop being so emotional. Read and think before you speak.
By America Jack
November 5, 2008 12:54 AM | Link to this
You are right, Medicare and Medicaid is socialist. it is money out of wage-earners paychecks and the employer, which comes back to the customer in higher prices so profits can cover that tax and the business can a desired rate of return. Want higher prices on things?! well, let’s get more taxpayer-funded gov’t programs in here!
FDIC insurance is paid for by member banks. You lose on that one.
By Jaded
November 5, 2008 12:55 AM | Link to this
RON PAUL 2012!!
By A fabulous Democrat
November 5, 2008 12:55 AM | Link to this
Its our time NOW!!!!! Yes, black, white,hispanic, asian, native american,young, old, gay, straight…we are a Rainbow of people!!!!! Stop judging and get on the band wagon. It is what it is!!!!! Yes to PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA 2008. Lets ROCK!!!!
By Chris Salzmann
November 5, 2008 12:55 AM | Link to this
ButlerDawg : Careful what you wish for America…Oops you just got it! Say bye bye to more of your dollars and even harder times. Maybe next time you will actually do a little research on a candidate…my guess is you wont, dullards.
Chris: Hey look. One of the few group of folks McCain actually won. The white, uneducated white male!!! LMAO
By Steve
November 5, 2008 12:55 AM | Link to this
A lifelong Marxist in the White House and lunatic fringe moonbats Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid running Congress.
The American Sheeple have finally given us the government we deserve.
God help the Republic.
By Kev the Electrician
November 5, 2008 12:55 AM | Link to this
It is sure sad to see how some of you just don’t realize the status of the country right now. George Bush dug a hole so deep that a Black Man can get elected to leader of the of the free world, I’m LMAO
By Peter
November 5, 2008 12:55 AM | Link to this
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
Today is that day.
God bless the United States.
By Gerald
November 5, 2008 12:56 AM | Link to this
By Tim
November 5, 2008 12:57 AM | Link to this
By Chris Salzmann
November 5, 2008 12:57 AM | Link to this
Realist said: The Stock Market will tank tomorrow.
Chris: Markets up today on expectation of Obama win. Asian stock markets currently up on expectation of Obama administration. LOL. Not much of a seal of approval of Bush, eh?
By We'reSaved
November 5, 2008 12:58 AM | Link to this
Thank you Lord! The Messiah is here to save us. He will heal us and provide for our needs. The Messiah has come! Halleleujah!
November 5, 2008 12:59 AM | Link to this
This is absolutely exciting! America surely has spoken. All the naysayers — you won’t be complaining much once we slowly get out of this economic slump. Watch how quickly the marketing will become stable and gas even get lower. Gosh, McCain/Palin supporters are so disgraceful.
I am neither black or white and just so excited to be a part of this historic event. Finally! A president that can represent everyone!!
By S. Howard
November 5, 2008 12:59 AM | Link to this
I am euphoric—tingling all over.
I’ve never been more proud to be an American. This Christian, white woman is so happy and thankful to see this day. Now we are all one people—one United States of America. Tell me what I can do, Mr. President-elect Obama, what can I do to help. I am ready. My children are watching, it’s time to go to work.
Thank you.
By N Randolph
November 5, 2008 1:00 AM | Link to this
I did not vote for him, but it’s a proud moment for this country and for the world. No matter my philosophy, I’m glad an African American can obtain the highest position in the world. I love that we have looked past color. For that same reason, it would not have been fair and would have diminished the signifigance of today had I voted for reasons of race. Thus, I voted on my personal political ideology. Today means more this way.
By EllenB19@aol.com
November 5, 2008 1:00 AM | Link to this
Well, Congratulations to Barack Obama. My husband ( a Physician in Atlanta) will now retire due to the tax increase on “Small Business”). Our African- American employee will lose her job. Good job, Barack (?).
By not a racist
November 5, 2008 1:01 AM | Link to this
Just cuz he is black doesn’t make him anything other than black. Why didn’t the blacks who supported him only because of his color have enough brains to find out what a liar, thief and communist he is.
By nm
November 5, 2008 1:02 AM | Link to this
A person either plan to fail or plan to succeed. How sad and immature for adults to write in that they are wishing and waiting for America to fall under Obama presidency. Grow up and think. It will not be Obama failing, it will be ALL OF US. So if you are intending to sit back for 4 years and hope for failure so that you and say I TOLD YOU SO, is the most ignorant, selfish, small minded and tunnel vision statement you could ever make. Given the economic crisis, we need to be involved in changing and bettering our communities and modeling appropriate and responsbile behaviors for the next generation. If all you plan to do is sit around and hope for Obama to fail and blog about it at every opportunity. THEN YOU ARE THE FAILURE AND THE WEAKNESS LINK.
By Pierre
November 5, 2008 1:02 AM | Link to this
I am overjoyed at this historic moment in American history. I love the fact that Obama has brought grace and class to this election process. Also John Mcain also handled the news with class and dignity. Hopefully in this age of showoffs and no-class and trash talking in most sports. We can show that America is once again a class act. We need role models and people that we can look up to instead of thugs and gangsters. I look forward to seeing all people being educated and working toward their own future instead of being beat up because they like to read. We need to change the way we think about what is cool.
November 5, 2008 1:03 AM | Link to this
Curious George will save us all.
By Jason Horgan
November 5, 2008 1:04 AM | Link to this
I am so proud of my country tonight. I have a great respect for Senator McCain, and felt that he would be a good candidate for the job. However, I felt in my soul that President-Elect Obama was the best candidate for the time, and the world in which we live. At 11:01, when the news came over that the election had been called, I went upstairs and kissed my sleeping daughters, came back down and embraced my wife, and then watched the President -Elect begin the process of bringing our great nation back together. I call upon those who are frightened or confused by this mandate-please join me in pledging to do everything we can to work together and move forward in this new era.
By WasillaThrilla
November 5, 2008 1:04 AM | Link to this
Is Sarah Palin heading back to Alaska with her typical trailer park family, back into political obscurity? YOU BETCHA!!! wink, wink
November 5, 2008 1:04 AM | Link to this
Why are all the rednecks on here still saying Obama is Muslim? You really are idiots. Will you still believe that at Inauguration and he swears on the bible. DUMB DUMB people. I hate that GA is a red state! Ugh. Of course, what else would anyone expect other than for all the idiots to buy into the scare tactics that the right-wing extremists want all to believe. I generally have no issue with McCain or Palin but their supporters are so horrible. Wow! this election really brought out the horns. White devils. haha
By Accipiter
November 5, 2008 1:05 AM | Link to this
I was so happy. I was at a figure drawing session at a bar/grill and we were watching the results in real time on a projector. When he won, we instantly heard cars honking outside. We were all so happy. I went outside and saw everyone on the street, hundreds of people, all cheering. Everyone has embracing and high-fiving - TOTAL STRANGERS! So much friendliness and love. This is what our country needs.
By Big Al
November 5, 2008 1:05 AM | Link to this
Congratulations Obama. I hope you are as moderate as you campaigned to be. Listen to your advisors because they are a lot smarter and more experienced than you
To the people who believe “Bush and Republicans ruined the economy over the last 8 years”, do a little fact checking and go look up the Community reinvestment Act. See who the sponsors were and who the main proponents were (a little hint, this was the beginning of the sub-prime mortgage market).
Glad it looks like the Republicans managed to hold on to a filibuster in the Senate. God help us all if Pelosi and Reid start calling the shots.
By Welcome to the 21st century
November 5, 2008 1:05 AM | Link to this
Yep; it’s pretty evident there’s a lot folks here that still need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century 8 years after the fact.
Did any of you idiots who are sick about Obama’s win tonight ever stop to consider that with a multitrillion dollar deficit, taxes are going up regardless of whose party is in power?
By Steve
November 5, 2008 1:05 AM | Link to this
Hey, McMaster….
At least I can SPELL, you moron. This is indicative of why Obama is our president-elect. He appealed (successfully) to the lowest common denominator. This win mocks MLK’s dream. Obama HAS no character. He was elected solely on the color of his skin.
Dr. King, you tried, but your message has been sold out.
By Yolanda
November 5, 2008 1:06 AM | Link to this
I never doubted for one minute that this election would end any other way! I am thankful, thoughtful, hopeful, and ready to roll up my sleeves and work on getting America back on track!
By Kevin M
November 5, 2008 1:07 AM | Link to this
I am answering our President’s call to do more for my country. I will be enrolling in Big Brothers, Big Sisters this month…
What are you doing to make our country better? Or are you avoiding taxes, shirking charity, and “beating the system”?
By nm
November 5, 2008 1:09 AM | Link to this
A person either plan to fail or plan to succeed. How sad and immature for adults to write in that they are wishing and waiting for America to fall under Obama presidency. Grow up and think. It will not be Obama failing, it will be ALL OF US. So if you are intending to sit back for 4 years and hope for failure so that you and say I TOLD YOU SO, is the most ignorant, selfish, small minded and tunnel vision statement you could ever make. Given the economic crisis, we need to be involved in changing and bettering our communities and modeling appropriate and responsbile behaviors for the next generation. If all you plan to do is sit around and hope for Obama to fail and blog about it at every opportunity. THEN YOU ARE THE FAILURE AND THE WEAKNESS LINK.
By nm
November 5, 2008 1:09 AM | Link to this
A person either plan to fail or plan to succeed. How sad and immature for adults to write in that they are wishing and waiting for America to fall under Obama presidency. Grow up and think. It will not be Obama failing, it will be ALL OF US. So if you are intending to sit back for 4 years and hope for failure so that you and say I TOLD YOU SO, is the most ignorant, selfish, small minded and tunnel vision statement you could ever make. Given the economic crisis, we need to be involved in changing and bettering our communities and modeling appropriate and responsbile behaviors for the next generation. If all you plan to do is sit around and hope for Obama to fail and blog about it at every opportunity. THEN YOU ARE THE FAILURE AND THE WEAKNESS LINK.
By Gary
November 5, 2008 1:09 AM | Link to this
My deepest sympathies are for the United States of America.By Michael
November 5, 2008 1:09 AM | Link to this
I first have to make decesions on selling early some retirement property before obama ups the capital gains tax. I don’t want to wait so the worthless people in the projects who refuse to work won’t get a bigger walfare check from my gains. Next, since obama is going to take care of spreading the my hard earned money I will not be donating ANYTHING, money or toys to Toys for Tots & WSB’s toy drive this year or the next 4. I may check into a needy family sponsored by a local Christian Church but only of I can meet them & size them up pryor to making a donation.
By BettyBoopWrites
November 5, 2008 1:09 AM | Link to this
At long last, we have been granted another chance to come together as a nation. Please, dear Lord, please help us to not squander it this time! That was my prayer when I heard the news. While I realize that many people are disappointed at the way the election turned out, I ask everyone who reads this to not let fear or resentment drive them, and to open your heart to the truly great things this president is willing to help us achieve. Most of all, I urge every citizen to not let fear drive his or her actions, but hope.
By Get Over Yourselves
November 5, 2008 1:10 AM | Link to this
Aren’t you bashers the VERY SAME PEOPLE who said that Democrats should just move on after Bush-Gore? Using the phrase “Sore Loserman”?
If so….show us that “Respect for the Office” that you so frequently claim to have, you phony “Country First”ers.
Let’s see what you’re made of.
By Brandon1982
November 5, 2008 1:10 AM | Link to this
CHANGE is a beautiful thing! America has FINALLY lived up to her promises. To all of you out there STILL whining….get over it! He is YOUR president. Get on board, or be left behind! YES WE CAN!
By Robin
November 5, 2008 1:11 AM | Link to this
I feel elated yet saddened by the fact that some of the posters on here still only see color and believe that he is here to do America harm. True McCain supporters would have taken the high road just as he did in his speech. I believe in the hope that our new President Elect Barack Obama has to offer. If only those of you who are blind could open your hearts, eyes, and ears to see that America is changing for the better of all and not just a small minority.
I also believe that lot of you are looking at one part of a man instead of seeing him as a whole. It’s unfortunate that in 2008 we still have people like you around. He’s been elected. You can either hold a grudge or work to move this country towards a better tomorrow.
By Ray
November 5, 2008 1:11 AM | Link to this
What a sad day. These idiots elected a man with no experience, based on the color of his skin.
By kathy
November 5, 2008 1:12 AM | Link to this
My, my. After reading all of the negative comments, I know without a shadow of a doubt that we as a nation have so much futher to go before the divisions between race disappear or fade from existence….but we are well on our way. If you haven’t noticed. Wake up people!!!! We are more alike than we are different, and if you can’t appreciate the land of the “free and the home of the brave… then by all means “get to stepping” and go live somewhere freedom is just a dream and not a reality, and once you do, perhaps you can have more of an appreciation for this country. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem and I think everyone can agree that we have more than enough problems to deal with at present. God Bless America!!!!!
By Anita
November 5, 2008 1:13 AM | Link to this
The negative comments about Barack show how racist and embarrasing Georgia can be as a state. It is a shame that we can’t unite and try to fix the problems that we were dealt as a result of these bad decisions that the Republicans have made. Instead, you racist bigots call Obama a socialist and other names. Well America has spoken so shut the hell up!!!! YES WE CAN! OH, I MEAN YES WE WILL!!!!
By Big Al
November 5, 2008 1:14 AM | Link to this
Can the media finally get past the fact that Obama is bi-racial (or black if you insist) and start doing some REAL journalism, i.e talking about his policy proposals? Now that he is elected I think we all should be able to hear about those “programs he is going to cut” (which he never elaborated on). If he truly wants to unite the country he should start with an in-depth exploration of his proposals.
By CoolHead
November 5, 2008 1:14 AM | Link to this
Gary, who cares? Really.
By tommy
November 5, 2008 1:14 AM | Link to this
so now will you guys finally get over slavery? sheesh
You guys have been blaming everything on whitey since forever.
Question-Whats going to happen now without someone to blame?????
if there is a hurricane next summer is it Barrack Obama’s fault?
If a good job doesnt fall out of the sky without putting forth any effort and you are broke is that now Barack Obamas fault?
cos you people sure as EFF made that george bsh’s fault
nobody to blame this time.
Tommy - better off than he was 8 years ago thanks to hard work
By Brandon1982
November 5, 2008 1:14 AM | Link to this
Change is a beautiful thing! All the idiots out there still whining…..get over it! He is YOUR president, whether you like it or not. Get on board, or get left behind! YES WE CAN!
By epark21
November 5, 2008 1:14 AM | Link to this
I feel sick, we’re screwed for the next 4 years, welcome back to the late 70s. All of you fellow college idiots who voted for that candidate are going to wonder in 2 years where all the jobs have gone. With the corporate tax increases coming, goodbye jobs, more overseas. Seriously, this joker only has 4 years experience in Senate and 2 were spent campaigning and you idiots voted him in. It might be time for another civil war. You dems can have your own socialist utopia, just leave us regular hardworking folks alone. Spread your own wealth around and don’t touch mine, we already pay enough in taxes as it is!
By America Jack
November 5, 2008 1:14 AM | Link to this
Great comment. I respect what MLK did. He was a man with tremendous character, a tireless worker for his cause and a great example of what hard work and dedication can accomplish.
Which is why it saddens me when I read that the person you were with probably voted for Obama because of his skin color, and NOT his character or abilities. unfortunately, many voted this way.
If anything, poor blacks will fall deeper into government dependence over the next four years as more assistance programs are established to buy votes and keep dems in power. The vicious cycle of underachievement and poverty will continue, fueled by the gov’t for power. That is TRUE opression.
By W
November 5, 2008 1:15 AM | Link to this
By Deanna
November 5, 2008 1:15 AM | Link to this
Go-Bama, Go-Bama, Go-Bama. Whoo hoo!!!!
By Gary
November 5, 2008 1:16 AM | Link to this
Hang all the negative comments up!!!!
or maybe she can see Hollywoods from her house!!!
November 5, 2008 1:16 AM | Link to this
The same white people that hide behind this blog are the same as those that hide behind the hooded white sheets. Y’all are horrible. God, some of you are probably my neighbors.
By Gerald
November 5, 2008 1:17 AM | Link to this
You Republican idoits gave us this fool of a president by stealing the last two elections.
The people have spoken — BY 4 MILLION PLUS ON THE POPULAR SIDE and a 2 to 1 margin in the Electoral College — and picked the BEST PERSON to fix this REPUBLICAN MESS!
Get on board and give this HARVARD educatted man your support… you know, for the WHOLE COUNTRY. GOD BLESS AMERICAN, KANSAS, KENYA, DULUTH, VALDOSTA AND CARTERSVILLE, TOO!
WE HAD TO PICK THE BEST PERSON FOR THE JOB THIS TIME. Some 73-year old coot and a hot chick from Alaska were not up for the heavy lifting that needs to be done. And I emphasize HOT CHICK!! The Masses recognized that TRUTH!!! God Bless both of them!
Let’s MOVE FORWARD TOGETHER. STOP ALL OF THIS WHINING AND LET’S celebrate that Clarence Thomas will eventually be replaced by a competent Justice, hopefully from GeorgiA!!
GOD BLESS AMERICA, EVEN the republicans!
By onenil
November 5, 2008 1:17 AM | Link to this
Thank God I’m marrying a Chinese national. I’ll be able to escape when the Dear Leader makes this a worse place to live than China.
By CoolHead
November 5, 2008 1:18 AM | Link to this
Michael, violins and crickets. Violin and crickets. yawn, yawn, blah, blah… did someone say something of important?
By Cris
November 5, 2008 1:19 AM | Link to this
Ill, just plain ill.
By Laquisha
November 5, 2008 1:21 AM | Link to this
I love that a black man…I mean half a blacl man named Osama…I mean Obama….will make us a better society…You rich people have done nothing for this crappy country..except make it better…Ayers…Harold Raines…Resko….Cocaine…..Hamas….You Republicans worry about stupid things like national security and terrorism….John McCain is a war hero….Big Deal….Obama is going to pay for my mortgage and gas bill…Thank God….I mean Mohammad…..Women….It’s time to Burka shop!!
By Michael
November 5, 2008 1:21 AM | Link to this
I had to stop reading these comments - the bigotry, the ignorance is enough to make me sorry to say I live in this state. Which is funny, because I’ve never been more proud to be an American. The promise, and the premise, that this country was founded on came true tonight. Those of you filled with hatred and fear bring NOTHING to the table when this country needs more than ever to stand together as a nation and dig ourselves out of a hole created by the most incompetent and deceitful leadership in our history - led by George W. Bush. This is not the Confederate States of America - it’s the United States of America. Show some pride in yourselves, and some pride in your country.
By CultOfPersonality
November 5, 2008 1:22 AM | Link to this
Yes it’s truly an historical and momentous occasion. The USA has not only elected its first African-American President, but probably the most leftist/Socialist leaning candidate ever. Historical indeed. I couldn’t care less about the color of Obama’s skin. What concerns me is his voting record (or lack thereof- due to such short tenure, and many “present” votes to avoid a “yeah” or “nay” vote). Also concerning to me is his history of associating with known extremists (Rev. Wright), felons (Rezko, who helped get him a sweetheart real estate deal)and even an unrepentant terrorist (Wm. Ayers, who helped launch his campaign). And the fact that no Obama supporters can tell me what he’s going to do that is going to be such a vast improvement for our country, yet they voted for him blindly based on eloquent speeches. Some said they voted for Obama because McCain is too old - that’s a great reason to vote for someone else younger who we know very little about. (Which is blatant ageism - but no one seems to want to acknowledge that.) Many African-Americans admitted to voting for Obama due to the color of his skin. (“I’m Republican, but how can I, as an African-American, justify to my grandchildren not voting for the first African-American candidate?”) and similar themes I’ve heard straight from the mouths of Obama voters. When I press an Obama supporter for evidence of his experience and capability of serving as President, another example often cited is his successful campaign he managed and ran… WHAT? So you’re electing a President because he is a good marketer? That’s all a campaign is - marketing. Even the TV journalists reporting on the election couldn’t articulate what Obama is expected to do, because no one knows. It was amusing to listen to them try to describe his accomplishments and qualifications: “charisma”, “eloquence”, “inspirational”. The same could be said of Koresh, Hitler, Castro, and other cult leaders and dictators, whose followers felt the same way about them. I’m not saying that Obama is like those people, but my point is that those qualities alone do not a US President make. Cuba got “change” in 1959. Change for the sake of change doesn’t equate to improvement. We have elected a president who has a record of indecision, who has shown that he can barely even decide how to vote on a bill, much less how to make an executive decision that could impact all of humanity. And the relatively few votes Obama DID cast as a Senator, he always voted liberally - no middle ground, no record of bipartisan anything at all whatsoever - just straight Democrat through and through. So I’m looking forward to seeing how he lives up to all the hype, and walks the walk.
By kmariag
November 5, 2008 1:23 AM | Link to this
Today was a good day! And for all you sorry-racist-can’t-stand-that-an-educated-AMERICAN-is now in charge? Charter called, and I have some space. Oh! And for all you socialism freaks who don’t even know what socialism means: It’s the roads you drive on each day, it’s the water that you flush, the water that you drink, the library you use, the trash pick up you depend on..Are you that stupid? Apparently so, and we have the test scores to prove it. I want to thank all you dumb red necks because you all are personally responsible for where we are today. Had you all not voted for such an idiot who has had the lowest ratings since Nixon, had you all not voted for such an idiot that has made the world hate us, left people floating for dead in a prominent U.S. city while making it to a 3rd world country in record time, had you not voted for such an idiot that has now led us into 2 wars where one of these countries now has more money than we do and we have lost almost 5000 precious lives, for voting for an idiot that got us into such a financial mess after we were left with a surplus, we would not be where we are today. Because the nation has spoken, and now we have hope. Oh yeah, for the dumb a* that called our President Elect an elitist? Um, hello?! Bush went to Yale? McCain doesn’t even know how many houses he has and he left his disfigured wife to marry somebody that has over $100 million dollars?! I don’t know about you, but I would hope that my kids would go to an Ivy League school, graduate into prominence and oh my God, become President of the United States. Wake up! You confederates can’t admit you lost the Civil War, but you have lost this battle..Today was good day….
By a fabulous democrat
November 5, 2008 1:23 AM | Link to this
Right on nm! You couldn’t have said it better dude. And thanks to all the educated whites that voted for Obama. It a new day! Its a new time and we must all learn to work together. I am so HappY!!! Yippy yeah, Yippy yeah!!!!! A real President is on its way! I love Barack Obama and I am glad he is our President.
By Tom
November 5, 2008 1:23 AM | Link to this
I am sad. A fraud has been elected president. I could care less if he was green, purple, or pink and orange striped, the color of his skin was never the issue - his beliefs were.
I take some weird consolation that the margin of victory was large enough that we know he won without needing the massive amounts of voter fraud. The sheep followed the wolf and we’ll see what happens.
By CoolHead
November 5, 2008 1:23 AM | Link to this
epark21, you remind me of a country western song: I am so much cooler on line. (The guy pretends to be rich, famous,and handsome, but is short, fat, and lives in his mother’s basement). I doubt if you have paid alot and probably have very little “to touch.”
By D
November 5, 2008 1:23 AM | Link to this
I knew it was gonna ge a good day, but it is actually a great day. Barack Obama is the best thing that has happened to this country in a long time. He is a great man and I am so proud of him.
By tim
November 5, 2008 1:25 AM | Link to this
**Hey Kool-Aid drinkers ..
Dear Lord, please watch over the USA for the next 4 years until the Republicans can take it back and fix it. Hopefully a Republican filibuster can limit the damage.**
By RightOn
November 5, 2008 1:25 AM | Link to this
onenil, please go now. And if you don’t open your mouth, the Chinese won’t run you back.
By N Randolph
November 5, 2008 1:26 AM | Link to this
Come on guys. Have some class.
By Dan
November 5, 2008 1:27 AM | Link to this
Absolutely sick to my stomach … getting ready to stop expansion of my business and lean toward a more cash-oriented industry - flying under the tax radar!
By TailSpin
November 5, 2008 1:27 AM | Link to this
President-elect Barack Obama. He is NOT President yet.
By Gaines
November 5, 2008 1:29 AM | Link to this
*America Jack * Thanks for the kudos. I am so torn because of this election on many levels. My girlfriend is an Obama supporter too, and I could not convince her to look deeper past his skin deep values. Even after she read his books, and I told her that he was not going to live up to what he wrote in “The Audacity of Hope” (I told her that he would abandon his principles for politics, and he did…), she still voted for him. Additionally, most of her family supports Barrack because he is a “Democrat”, and they are life-long democrats/union members. My family is very conservative, and although we all get along, My family looks at her like she’s a moron, and her family looks at me like I’m an educated moron (well, I kind am, but oh well!). None of my persuasion could alter her decision, and to be honest, I’m glad that she stood her ground but fear that this may cause a rift in our relationship. Anyway, I hate that part of this discussion has turned to the tune of racism. Those who support Obama should defend him on his merits. Those who oppose him should bring to light his shortcomings. And both sides should leave race out of it because it’s not because he’s half-black or partially black or even whatever black. It’s because he either speaks for you on one or many levels, or speaks against you on one or many levels. For me, when he promised to punish achievement and ‘spread wealth’ (thanks “Joe the Plumber” for exposing that!), I knew deep down that Obama was not the right choice, and that we are more divided as a nation than ever. Something even George W. Bush could not achieve.
By SocialismSucks
November 5, 2008 1:29 AM | Link to this
I can’t get over the fact that so many people are overjoyed about a black man as president. THAT SHOULDN’T EVEN MATTER. I have not put any emphasis on that, and thought nothing of it unless people chose to bring it up.
What I did do was look at the policies of the candidates and choose accordingly. And let me tell you this, I truly fear for what might happen to our county. Obama’s views/policies/whatever are socialistic in nature and I really don’t think he is what we need.
Expect even more job losses under his administration and the expected tax cuts. Does he not realize this country was built on capitalism and not government intervention. Screw this dude
By cubalibre
November 5, 2008 1:29 AM | Link to this
I’m so proud that, during my lifetime, I got to see our country truly live up to the ideals dreamed of by the Founders. You people who are making the not-even-thinly-veiled racist remarks are certainly not Christian. If you were, you would be praying for our new President, much as you exhorted those who hadn’t voted for Dubya in the past two elections to do so. Too often, those who claim to be conservative Christians don’t behave in a manner that is remotely Christ-like. But that’s OK—it just makes it easier to ignore you. Obama voters, you should take pride in making history tonight. Pray for our new President, for even now, as evidenced on this board, the forces of darkness are coalescing to do everything in their power to bring him down. Pray for those poor misguided souls, too, because if they don’t repent of their lies and hypocrisy, they’re gonna split hell wide open when they shuffle loose this mortal coil. Peace, and may God bless American!
By Jeff
November 5, 2008 1:30 AM | Link to this
Although I am overjoyed to witness a black man’s entry into the White House in my lifetime, I am saddened to see that a large numer of Georgians continued to hold onto thinking ways of the “good ol’ South” by being one of the states that Obama did not win. To make matters worse, a large number of Georgians don’t understand what the impact of another vital election (that of the statewide Public Service Commission) is going to mean to their pocketbooks by not supporting Democrat Jim Powell, who if elected, would’ve been “the only” Democrat on a Public Service Commission that currently has five Republicans running things! Well, don’t cry when you continue seeing your monthly home utility bills rising through the roof to the point you can barely afford to pay gas, electric or your phone bill. You had your chance…
By Cy Brown
November 5, 2008 1:31 AM | Link to this
The national nightmare has begun! At least Georgians had the sense to vote McCain! The rest of the country has been smoking too much of Obama’s crack rock!
By Joann
November 5, 2008 1:31 AM | Link to this
Thiks is the happiest day of my life. Never in a million years did I think this would have happened in my lifetime. Barack was the best candidate for the job. The Republicans have put this country in the worst condition it has ever been since the great depression. John McCain and Sarah Palin had no platform and neither was capable or smart enough to be in the White House. It’s not about race it’s about intellect and neither of them were equipped. People have no jobs, the economy is in shambles. No more Republicans!
By Palin2012
November 5, 2008 1:31 AM | Link to this
People who write in all caps to get their point across are dumb.
Maybe if my taxes go up and the minimum wage increases, I can get a job at McDonalds. Why should I work hard when others can do just as well as me and not work at all? Oh, also, let’s give every student all A’s and send them all to Ivy League schools. When everyone is equal, no one is special.
By SocialismSucks
November 5, 2008 1:32 AM | Link to this
November 5, 2008 1:34 AM | Link to this
I got three initial words, GET OVER IT! I am so disgusted by some of the ignorant and racist remarks on this blog. To think some of you are feeding this BS to your kids and grandkids.
The people have spoken, they voted for OBAMA! For the next four years he will be the president of the United States and that does include the State of Georgia.
If half of you spent some time doing research instead of repeating negative soundbites and rhectoric you would be much better off. I would rather spend my time embracing whoever the next president will be and try to be positive about getting our country back on the right track. The sad part of it is that most of you making these comments call yourselves christians…yeah right!
I will end with these three words GET OVER IT!
By roberta
November 5, 2008 1:34 AM | Link to this
Get over yourselves, Obama will do a great job.
By addictedtochocolate4ever
November 5, 2008 1:34 AM | Link to this
By Mafuta54
November 5, 2008 5:15 AM | Link to this
This really sucks big time, but life does on.
By derek
November 5, 2008 5:22 AM | Link to this
I will certainly never address Obama as President Obama,gotta earn respect people.
By Anne
November 5, 2008 5:31 AM | Link to this
I didn’t vote for Obama. he is not my president. This country will now go to hell in a hand basket. If all of you who voted for him thinks he is going to take care of you - you are so mislead. We will all get hit with taxes, some will lose our jobs, and the terriorists will take over. Everything we have all worked hard for will disappear. Our country will no longer be known as the United States. It is indeed a very sad day.
By brad
November 5, 2008 5:41 AM | Link to this
So I’m just assuming here, but if a black man can become president, we don’t need affirmative action anymore, right?
By Mike Yarbrough
November 5, 2008 5:44 AM | Link to this
Wow! We actually elected a socialist baby killer as President! The down-fall and demise of a once great nation has begun…we have received what we deserve…be sure that God will not be mocked…for a nation that has murdered nearly 50 million babies since 1973, we have now received what repentance would have avoided…may God have mercy on this nation, but I fear it is too late…
By elainer7
November 5, 2008 5:45 AM | Link to this
I am scared and disillusioned. God help us all. Costa Rica is looking pretty good to me. For all who voted for this virtually unknown blow hard, just remember that you have no one to blame but yourself.
November 5, 2008 5:47 AM | Link to this
This dumbass will never be my president MUSLUM TERRORIST….FU*K OBOMA
November 5, 2008 5:47 AM | Link to this
This dumbass will never be my president MUSLUM TERRORIST….FU*K OBOMA
By Wanakee
November 5, 2008 5:49 AM | Link to this
Prayer Chanages Things.
Last will be first and first will be last GOD words are coming to past.
November 5, 2008 5:52 AM | Link to this
By AnnieR
November 5, 2008 5:53 AM | Link to this
Although I voted for John McCain (as I did in the primaries) I feel proud for America at how far we have come as a nation. Obama has a great deal of charisma and leadership potential and I hope that he lives up to the promise that so many have seen in him which has led to his election.
I feel bad for John McCain though, because to me, he is an American hero and leader who would have turned the tide on 8 years of failed Bush policies and the cards were stacked against him both by his party and the destiny of this election. He gave a gracious concession speech and overall is a class act and I’m proud I voted for him.
From all this whole campaign, I would like to remember both candidates from the clips shown at the Alfred Smith dinner in New York last month, funny and relaxed, gracious and congenial - I am convinced that it showed the true nature of each of these leaders. God Bless America!!
November 5, 2008 5:54 AM | Link to this
I just hope this republic will not be irresverisbly damaged by the socialist/marxist government that Obama and the majority of Americans seem to relish. God save America from this pending disaster.
November 5, 2008 5:54 AM | Link to this
The challenges facing President-elect Obama are many; the economy being the most immediate, and the war on terror still ever present. I am not sure what ‘change’ he will be bringing about, but America, you asked for him, so now you have him. He was not my choice, but he will be leading my country now, so I pray that he will be a wise leader. We all need to support him, and hope for the best.
By Rejoicing
November 5, 2008 5:55 AM | Link to this
When will the people of the south and others around the country finally look at a person character not their skin. MCCAIN SUPPORTERS, embrace the new president he is trying to bring this country toward a brighter future and not a continuous past.
I am still unsure why McCain Supporters thought McCain would have been such a good candidate when he was not for ALL the people of America. Not one time did he reach out to ALL the people of America! McCain reached out to people like him, RICH and conservative. We need a person that will show the world though our past was rough we are a country moving forward.
By Nicki
November 5, 2008 5:56 AM | Link to this
Well, this goes to show that a great marketing campaign CAN buy you a presidential election. Folks wake up…he bought his way into the office. Sure what Obama said was great, but during his whole 2 years of running he never said HOW he was going to make the US better. It’s great to want to change it’s even better to have a feasible plan to make those changes happen. I agree with another blogger’s comments saying that now everyone will see the real Obama. I may not be able to say this after January so “God help us”
By ghostwriter
November 5, 2008 5:57 AM | Link to this
Hey Rush, so much for Operation Chaos.
By Believer
November 5, 2008 6:00 AM | Link to this
Thank God McCain lost - I cannot fathom having to read the gloating we’d be hearing from all you small-minded idiots
By Big Al
November 5, 2008 6:02 AM | Link to this
I never thought there would be this many people so stupid in this country.
At the rate we are falling, within 25 years, we will just be another France.
By GoObama!
November 5, 2008 6:02 AM | Link to this
It’s funny how people are so disgusted with the thought of having a black president, saying this is the worst mistake America has ever made. My question is do you think Bush was a great choice?
To me, initially, the moment meant not yeah great a black president! This meant, our country actually chose to elcet a black president. Do you get that? There’s a difference. Black or white, it’s going to be difficult to clean up the big mess left by the president of the last 8 years. But i thought the country had taken a step in the right direction by coming together and showing a sign of equality and unity. But, i must say, that getting on here and reading all of these racist, hate filled comments is very discouraging. I guess I’ll just have to remember that the “majority” still feels differently.
By John Harlow -November 5, 2008 6:04 AM | Link to this
This has been the most racially divisive event to face the US that I can remember since the assassination of Dr. King. Its going to take a lot longer that four years for the country to heal the wounds from this campaign. The biggest relief right now is to have the election over.