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About Verbs

by Deborah 2008. 3. 25.
Verbs are words that show action or states or being. You use them to join the subject to the rest of the sentence. All complete sentences contain at least one verb, which should be in agreement(singular or plural) with the subject of the sentence.

A verb tense is the form a verb takes to show when something took place.
All verbs except for the verb to be have five forms. To be has three present-tense forms and two past-tense forms.

Base form         Present (-s Form)  Present Participle  Past tense   past participle
                    works                       working                      worked          worked

File                       files                         filing                          filed               filded

watch                   watches                    watching                   watched         watched

be                        am/is/are                   being                        was/were       been

You can form the infinitive by adding to to the base form: to work.(see appendix B for a full conjugation of the verb work.) the base form and infinitive are not interchangeable, so be sure to avoid substituing one for the other.

You have probably noticed that English has many irregular verbs whose past tnese and past participle forms often differ. consult a dictionary to determine whether or not a verb is irregular.

in·fin·i·tive〔L 「한정되지 않는」의 뜻에서〕 【문법】 n. [U.C] 부정사 ★ I can go., I want to go.에 있어서의 go, to go;to가 붙은 것을 to-infinitive(to부정사), to가 붙지 않은 것을 bare[root] infinitive(원형부정사)라 함.

in·ter·change·a·ble a. 교환[교대]할 수 있는;호환성이 있는
interchangeable·ness n. -bly ad.


1【문법】 동사 변화 (동사의) 활용, 어형 변화;활용형 《★ 명사·대명사·형용사의 변화는 declension》
2 결합, 연결;【생물】 접합 《생식 세포의》